
Software engineering-components of a software

Question 1: What are the main components of software? How software distinct from a Program?

Question 2: Describe the process of software development.

Question 3: What are the main phases of linear sequential model? Describe each phase. Which phase consumes the maximum efforts?

Question 4: Explain RAD model with its merits and demerits.

Question 5: Out of 4 P’s which is most significant and why? Describe Earned Value Analysis.

Question 6: How can metrics be helpful in software process improvement? Describe.

Question 7: Define the task set for software project and how will you be choosing Software engineering tasks.

Question 8: What will be the main objectives and scope of project planning?

Question 9: What do you mean by software project estimation method?

Question 10: Describe various Empirical Estimation Techniques.

Question 11: How reactive risk strategies are distinct from the proactive risk strategies?

Question 12: What do you mean by the term SQA? What are its main activities? What are approaches of Software quality assurance?

Question 13: You have been given the responsibility of enhancing the quality of software across your organization. What are the steps, you will take? Describe.

Question 14: Distinguish between black box and white box testing.

Question 15: Short note on:

a) Unit testing
b) Integration testing
c) System testing
d) Validation testing

Question 16: Why is testing of real time system software more complicated than non-real time system software?

Question 17: Discuss about dataflow design and entity relationship design.

Question 18: Describe the design and testing concept of client server system in software engineering method.

Question 19: What do you mean by Reverse Engineering and Forward Engineering? Describe different levels of Reverse Engineering.

Question 20: Draw the building blocks for CASE and explain it.

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Software Engineering: Software engineering-components of a software
Reference No:- TGS02859

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