
Socw 6200 in regards to discussion posts i generally

Respond to students And Wiki

Expectations for Class Discussions and assignments:

In regards to discussion posts I generally follow the guidelines spelled out in Walden's grading rubric in regards to posts (see the grading rubric outlined in the course information section of blackboard). However, if you do not use APA format or references in at least your initial post, I will deduct at least 5 points for that (so please do that). This is also the same rules for assignments, that they must follow APA style format. Also, in past courses I have been flexible in certain situations regarding delayed or late posts.

I do believe that life sometimes gets in the way when we least expect it to. Please know that I would prefer a late post than no post at all. However, I will not accept posts that are more than a week late. If you are not able to post by the required date for whatever reason, just please let me know beforehand. As a rule, however, I do deduct points off the posts if they are late so as to be fair to those who post on time.

In addition, I will be following very closely with Walden's Tunitin Policy, which I posted below. Therefore, any paper that is submitted to me with more than 30% of the paper with improperly cited passages (or to many cited passages) I will return the paper to you and ask for you to re-review it and for a re-write if necessary. You will not lose points if the original paper was submitted on-time, but will be given a limited period of time to review/rewrite the paper (2-3 days).

I have provided an outline of what is specifically required for discussion posts and written assignments in this course:

Discussion Posts:

All posts to all discussions require APA citations and references. Each student is to respond to 2 other students' posts for every discussion throughout the course. This is the rule for this class; there are discrepancies in this on the Blackboard site. However, going forward, If you post more than 6 response posts by day 5 you will be eligible for 3 points extra participation credit to make up for any lost points (my class rule).

I will be posting on discussions and I am requiring a response from you so please check throughout the week for when respond to your discussion post (usually by day 5)

All initial posts and response posts are due on the days specified on Blackboard (usually Day Three and Five). If your post is late for whatever reason please make sure your posts are posted by Day 7. I am no longer allowed to accept posts after Day 7 as per Walden's Policy, and any posts. If you know that there is a circumstance that will prevent you for making the post on time or by Day 7, please email me to discuss.

The way a reader (myself and other students) can see that you understand the information, theoretical models, concepts, and words you are discussing is to write about them in your own words as much as possible, tell us what the article authors said by paraphrasing, using your own language. Scholarly does not mean you have to write using multi-syllabic words. Writing a bit like you talk is fine if the reader can understand and if your spelling and grammar are correct.

Read the rubric before and while you write. Let it guide you as to what you write. This is straightforward. In discussion posts you can draft a post in a word document where you have pasted the instructions for each point to be made in the post. You can then write your answer/post right under this instruction and copy and paste the whole thing onto the discussion list. This can help you stay on track.

The idea in discussions is to have as much of a conversation as possible. Notice that the "feedback" rubric score for "excellent" says: RESPONSES --if you fail to respond at all, the grade for feedback is 0 out of 10 points. This does not even consider quality of posts, doing nothing causes a loss of 10 points

CITATIONS AND REFERENCES: Initial posts and the 2 required responses must have citations and references from the professional literature. Using only the case as a reference/cite is NOT sufficient. This is a vignette, it is not research that will back up a claim. Every post should have a claim you are making (e.g. "I think an eco map is good to use here", "Strengths based is best here", "Women in violent relationships often attempt to leave 9 times before leaving for good). You then must have a cite/ref. that backs up this claim, e.g. an article that states eco maps are good to use in situations similar to the case under discussion.

Written Assignments:

Walden University has a strict policy on written assignments, whereas all papers are required to follow APA format. The only exception is that they no longer require a running head on the papers. Most of you already adhere to this format and I have not been as strict in my grading when reviewing your papers on this, but going forward (Week 7 and beyond) I will now follow closely to Walden University requirements and the rubric. The outline for an APA paper is below, and I have attached a sample for your review.

In addition, as I mentioned in my introductory post at the beginning of the quarter. following very closely with Walden's Tunitin Policy, which I posted below. Therefore, any paper that is submitted to me with more than 30% of the paper with improperly cited passages (or too many cited passages) I will return the paper to you and ask for you to re-review it and for a re-write if necessary. You will not lose points if the original paper was submitted on-time, but will be given a limited period of time to review/rewrite the paper (2-3 days).

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Dr. Regina

APA Format Outline: In general, your paper should follow these formatting guidelines:

Margin. Although formerly, the required measurement for margins is 1 ½ inch, now, it is required that margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, right) should each just measure one (1) inch.

Font Size and Type. Font for text all throughout the paper should be 12-pt., Times New Roman.

Spacing. Double-space for the whole document, including appendices, footnotes, tables and figures. For spacing after punctuation, space once after commas, colons and semicolons within sentences and space twice after punctuation marks that end sentences.

Text Alignment and Indentation. Alignment should be flush left, or aligned to the left creating uneven right margin.

Active Voice. Traditionally, the APA writing format requires writing in an impersonal form. That is, refraining from using pronouns such as ‘I' or ‘We' in your statements. Now, it has changed. Most disciplines require the active voice. An example of this would be, instead of writing "according to the study," it should be "according to our study." This way, papers are made to be as active as possible.

Order of Pages and Pagination. The order of pages should follow this format:

Title Page > Abstract > Body > References > Appendices > Footnotes > Tables > Figures

The page number should appear one inch from the right corner of the paper on the first line of each page. The title page will serve as the Page 1 of your paper.

Title Page

The Title Page should contain the title of your paper, your name as its author (including co-authors), your institutional affiliation/s and author note if applicable. In case there's no institutional affiliation, just indicate your city and state or your city and country instead.

As mentioned earlier, your title page will serve as your Page 1. It should be typed centered on the page. If it requires more than one line, please be reminded to double-space between all lines. Your name appears double-spaced as well, below the paper title.

The author note is where information about the author's departmental affiliation is stated, or acknowledgements of assistance or financial support are made, as well as the mailing address for future correspondence.


The Abstract of your paper contains a brief summary of the entirety of your research paper. It usually consists of just 150-250 words, typed in block format. The Abstract begins on a new page, Page 2. All numbers in your Abstract should be typed as digits rather than words, except those that begin a sentence.


The body of your research paper begins on a new page, Page 3. The whole text should be typed flush-left with each paragraph's first line indented 5-7 spaces from the left. Also, avoid hyphenating words at ends of line.

Text Citation and References

Text Citations are important to avoid issues of plagiarism. When documenting source materials, the author/s and date/s of the sources should be cited within the body of the paper. The main principle here is that, all ideas and words of others should be properly and formally acknowledged.

The Reference Section lists all the sources you've previously cited in the body of your research paper. It states the author/s of the source, the material's year of publication, the name or title of the source material, as well as its electronic retrieval information, if these were gathered from the Internet.


The Appendix is where unpublished tests or other descriptions of complex equipment or stimulus materials are presented.



Parenting and Child Development For Juan and Elena, their participation in the parenting class is very beneficial as they will know how to deal with their children as they grow. The parents will know how to address their own behaviors and be better parents to their children. The parents will be educated on how to manage their anger at their children as anger always gets in the way of good parenting.

If a child is exposed to behavior standards that do not account for his or her developmental stage, this might impact the child's development in the following; the can experience uneven development, in that the social development lags behind the intelligent growth or even vice versa. This may constitute an abnormal behavior when all parents expect their children to exhibit normal development progress.

When children display abnormal behavior it could be as a result of them being deprived of physical stimulation and this is because motor development which is the most initial forms of development children undergo after birth are biologically conditioned. There has to be an external stimulation to aid the children adopt the appropriate motor skills to help through a particular stage of development.

Under conditions of rapid stimulation, in the case where children were exposed to a lot of stimulation, their motor skills developed faster than their intellectual capabilities. Such problems can be addressed using the behavioral development model of motor activity and this takes account of the operant founded biofeedback that aids in the achievement of proper normal development with more success (Laureate Education, 2013).

References Sturge-Apple, M. L., Davies, P. T., & Cummings, E. M. (2010). Typologies of family functioning and children's adjustment during the early school years. Child Development, 81(4), 1320-1335. Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Hernandez family (Episode 2) [Video file]. In Sessions. Retrieved from, https://class.waldenu.edu on February 25, 2017.

1. (teacher) Good post. from the reading and the video - do you feel any underlying resistance with Juan and Elena in the process of examing and changing their parenting style with Juan Jr? How would you help Juan Jr and his parents strengthen his self-esteem?
I need a response for the teachers question

2. Respond by Day 5 to a colleague's post by describing an intervention that might be used to address the impact to development described. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

Discussion -

Juan and Elana's participating in the parenting class was an extremely important factor for their family. Juan and Elana's parents were raised during a different time and felt their way of punishing the kids were in their best interest. When listening to Juan speak he stated," we whip and punish our children, because thats how our parents punished us" (Plummer, 2014). In making that statement, it shows how the parenting class can assist him in pushing past the crisis he went through as child, and could support him and his wife into identifying their own way of disciplining their children.

The parenting class will aid the young couple to recognize age appropriate consequences for the child, while working through some of their past trauma. When looking at the action of how Juan disciplines his kids and Juan statements, one would think that Juan is fixated on his past trauma, of the way his parents disciplined him and does not know any other way of giving consequence behind what he learned. Therefore, he begins to instill the same trauma to his sons.

According to Freud, "the term fixated meant that a person's personality development was largely, though not completely, halted at a particular stage. in order to move forward, and individual would have to resolve the crisis or will use defense mechanism"(Zastrow,2016). Juan's idea of discipline was stuck back on how they were raised, and did not develop. The value of the parenting class will assist the Hernandez in hearing about the development in the various ages of kids and having a discussion of ideas with people who have similar experiences.

The parenting class is of value to the children because Juan and Elana's expectations for their boys were high, and if they did not learn more about their children's development patterns it could lead to the children not feeling confident about themselves, or constantly doubting their abilities.

The Hernandez perspective on what the children should have been doing at their age, was not logical for their development. According to Piaget, children between the age of two through seven years, have difficulty seeing things from other people perspective, they have the tendency to concentrate on one detail of an object"(Zastrow,2016). The parents were putting demands on the children that that could cause them to have difficulties in making choices and never feeling adequate from trying to live up to other people's expectations.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Discussion -

This week's case with Juan and Elena demonstrate how understanding cultural differences is such a critical importance. While Juan and Elena have values from a family system and culture that felt strict punishment was most effective. The history of the family demonstrates that Juan's family used a belt to "beat" him. Elena had stated that her family often used a switch on her. Neither parent gave an indication as to how often these incidents happened. They did state that their parents expected a lot from them at an early age.

Juana, in particular, had to drop out of school and get two jobs. He stated that his paycheck was taken to buy food and pay bills. This concept appears to have created a twofold situation for Juan. It could be said that he valued hard work and understood it also created some resentment demonstrated by the appearance of an angry and negative father. This was stated by the boys during a session.

Juan and Elena's discipline did not account for the age of the children. Both children are young enough to be full of energy and very active. They are displaying age appropriate actions that help in developing family interactions. This is part of child development and not a cultural identity even though Juan appeared to make it one by stating they needed to be quiet.

According to the family system theory "interdependencies among relationships within the family are governed by boundaries or implicit rules" (Sturge-Apple, Davies, & Cummings, 2010) that will support the family dynamics. The way the children see and view the family will impact how they raise and interact with others. It will even set the groundwork for how they raise their children.


Sturge-Apple, M.L., Davies, P.T., & Cummings, E.M. (2010). Typologies of family functioning
and children's adjustment during the early school years. Child Development, 81(4), 1320-1335. doi: 10.111/j.1467-8624.2010.01471.x

social problem

Social Problem for Social Welfare Wiki Assignment

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

Many families today experience domestic violence in the society today. This violence has short term and long term effects on the lives of children. Many children are caught up in the middle of an assault by accident or due to the intentions of the abuser. In the process, they may be injured if struck by any weapons or object. Study indicates that 3-4 million children between the age of 3-17 are exposed to the effects of domestic violence every year. According to the US government statistics, about 95% of domestic violence cases normally involve women victims of male partners (Daniels, 2010).

Children living in homes where domestic violence is experienced normally grow in an environment which is unpredictable, filled with anxiety and subjugated by fear. This usually results to significant psychological and emotional trauma, similarly experienced by those victims of child abuse (Daniels, 2010).

Rather than growing up in a psychologically and emotionally safe, predictable, nurturing, and secure environment, the children are made to worry about how their future would be; they tend to try predicting what may happen next and protect themselves plus their siblings. Normally, getting through the day is their major aim such that they do not get enough time to relax, for fun, or plan the future.

The children who live in families with domestic violence suffer psychological and emotional trauma from the effect of living in a household which is dominated by fear and tension (Hampton & Gullotta, 2006). The children will witness their mother being demeaned, threatened or sexually or physically assaulted. They will overhear violence ad conflict and see the outcome of the violence such as injuries and the mother's traumatic response to the violence. At the same time, the children may as well as be manipulated and used by the abuser to hurt their mother.

Witnessing in this case may mean seeing the actual incidents of sexual or physical abuse, hearing threats or noises of fights. Children may as well observe the consequences of physical abuse like tears, bruises, blood, broken items, or torn clothing. Children of abuse are vulnerable and isolated. They do not get enough attention, approval and affection.

Most critically, it is argued that children who are raised in abusive homes come to learn that violence is the most effective way of resolving problems and conflicts. They may replicate the violence they experienced as children teen and adult relationship and their parenting experiences (Hannah & Goldstein, 2010). The boys who watch their mother being abused are more likely to do the same to their female partners as adults as compared to those raised in non-violent homes.

In conclusion, the issue of domestic violence has been on the increase in our society today. It has very bad effects on relationships and marriages and scatters many families apart. On top of this, it has short and long term impacts on the lives of children who witness this menace. Because of this, it is the responsibility of social service professionals to work on ways of reducing domestic violence and its impacts on children.


Daniels, Luke (2010) Pulling the Punches: Defeating Domestic Violence. Bogle-L'Ouverture Press.

Hampton, L. & Gullotta, P. (2006). Interpersonal Violence in the African American Community: Evidence-based Prevention and Treatment practices. New York: Springer.

Hannah, M., & Goldstein, B. (2010). Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Child Custody: Legal Strategies and Policy Issues. Kingston, New Jersey: Civic Research Institute

Assignment 2: Application-Social Problems

You have already discussed a social problem during your Wiki Assignment for this week. It is now your turn to assimilate the information and write a paper on the problem selected by your group. Remember, each group member will write a paper on an individual basis.

For this Assignment, review your group's wiki for this week. Based on the inputs, conceptualize a paper on the social problem your group selected.

Assignment (a maximum of 4 double-spaced pages in APA format): In addition to a minimum of six scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your paper should include:

o A description of the social problem your group selected and any known causes or explanations for the problem

o A description of the problem's prevalence in society

o A description of the specific population impacted by this social problem, if any. If the social problem your group selected does affect a specific population, include an explanation of why that might be the case.

o An explanation of the theories that support the problem and approaches scholars and policy analysts use to address the problem
Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 3.

To submit your Assignment, do the following:

o Save your Assignment as a ".doc" file with the filename "WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.doc". For example, Sally Ride's filename would be "WK3Assgn2RideS.doc".

o To upload your Assignment, click on Assignments on the course navigation menu, and then click the "Assignment 2 Turnitin - Week 3" link.

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