True or Flase questions
1.Socrates argues that it would unjust for him to escape from the prison.
2.Socrates uses the distinction between appearance and reality in an objection to Cephalus' account of justice, and Socrates using the same distinction objects to Thrasymachus's definition of justice.
3.The ring of Gyges is to test whether justice is valuable when it does not include the beneficial consequences of being just.
4.According to Socrates, the ideal city is based on a scheme of cooperation between members of the city where each member does his or her part in contributing to the city.
5.When Socrates asks for the form of piety, he is referring to something in the intelligible realm.
6.The problem Socrates has with defining piety as what all the gods love is the gods don't always agree.
7.Socrates considers a definition that treats piety as a special case of justice.
8.The reason that Socrates holds that piety cannot be defined by the example Euthyphro gave is one example does not say what piety generally is.
9.For Socrates, the examined life means questioning things in the heavens and beneath the earth.
10.Socrates learns from the oracle that human wisdom is very limited and he should make people aware of their ignorance.
11.Socrates argues that Meletus made his formal charges irresponsibly.
12.Socrates denies that he knows what death definitely is.
13.Socrates argues that justice is found in the rational part of the soul, courage in the spirited part, and temperance in the appetitive part. Only justice involves all parts of the soul.
14.The unjust soul is in conflict with itself, and so cannot be better off than the just soul.
15.The line represents how the intelligible world stands in relation to the visible world.
16.The lesson of the cave is that absolute truth is unattainable.