
Sociology of aging-age related impairments

After reading regarding the physical impairments related to age and watching "Aging," visit "Sociology of Aging: Age Related Impairments: A Simulation Exercise" and choose at least two of the impairments which are listed in the exercise. After choosing the impairments that you will be simulating, use the household items which are listed and proceed with carrying out your normal tasks around your home. Then, explain which impairments you simulated and what you experienced. Answer the given questions:

a. What was it like to complete your tasks with the selected impairments?

b. What were the difficulties which you encountered while completing your tasks? Were any of such difficulties unexpected?

c. Have your thoughts or attitudes about older adults who have the impairments which you selected changed as a result of this exercise? Explain why or why not?

d. After having reviewed the required resources for this discussion, which of the main biological theories on aging do you think best describes the impairments that you simulated? Be sure to support your answer.

Your initial post must be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with illustrations from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

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Other Subject: Sociology of aging-age related impairments
Reference No:- TGS015628

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