

Sociology is a part of study of all types of human life if interactions and belongs to phenomena which is known as the social science. Sociology can also be taken to stand for the science of society. Sociology originated in the 19th century as a discipline in the academic field. Sociology is a major law governing the society and the human social relationship taking into account the primary interest in analyzing the problems that are encountered in the society (Ethnology, 1897). Sociology gives one the ideas of understanding and appreciating the basic principles of understanding what happens in the society

In studying sociology, the learner increases the benefit of honoring the culture, the social land behavior of a certain group of people. One can get the real difference between society and culture by definition: - society this is a group of people who live in a common place or one territory and have the same way of living. Culture this is the unique way of living shared by the same community (Friedrichs & Birnbaum, 1971).

Sociology originated because of a great concern for great changes that were taking place and the society thought that the scientist could not account for them fully. Feminism this is a study of science with reference to the way of behaving to men and women. Feminist have a great importance in the process of self-presentation with the relation of the social womanhood and the body appearance of a woman (Friedrichs & Birnbaum, 1971). This is majorly a big concern in the society to investigate the culture and to experiment with the means of representation in the whole community.

The divisions of feminism carries ample witness to the impossibility of making modern feminism as a symbol of unity in the present society such variations such as varying interpretations of their outcome have come up hence increasing the sense to talk about the popularity of feminists than of one. Women should have their representatives in the authority rather than been arbitrarily lead without having a share in the government to air out their views. Women should also be given positions in the government to show them they are valued hence avoiding despotism. We have many people in a state. The interaction of the people, as they live together, is very important and is explained in social science according to the behavior of the people in different perspectives and has its own origin and also a mode of expression. To evaluate how people tend to live both quantitative and qualitative approaches are used (Durkheim, 2013).

Functionalism is the school that emphasizes the study of the mind as an essentially useful, functional part of the human body. The functionalist attitude was a logical consequence of the spread of Darwinism and its doctrine of "survival of the fittest". Among the most prominent representatives of this current philosophy, William James (formally he taught the functionalist doctrine) and John Dewey are counted. As a biologist, William James firmly believed that all activities (from the heartbeat to the perception of an object) are functional. If we were not able to recognize a banana, what should we think every time we saw it (Isajiw, 2013). Thus, the associations do not allow the taking advantage of previous experience. With this insight, James arrived in the formulation of a functionalist theory of mental life and behavior. That perspective is concerned not only learning and feeling or perception, but especially how an organism serves their learning or perceptual environment to live in their capabilities.

The way people interact with others in the society is influenced by social inheritance and also the genetic makeup of the people. Again the culture of the individuals affects the way they interact with others in society. The level of education influences the way people will interact with others in the society. The curriculum one undergoes in school shifts their attention from the way they make an observation and also their scientific viewpoint hence changing their way of thinking. In sociology one must be able to know why different people behave differently in the society and also should understand why we have social forces in a community (Friedrichs, 1970) Mathematical modeling and graphs can be used to estimate the behavior of a certain group in the society. The way in which people behave is also influenced by the groups they belong this is because different groups have different expectations in how their members should perform hence sometimes rules govern them hence they perform towards honoring them.

In conclusion, to understand fully how to interact with others many sociological factors should also be considered the behavior of the people in a certain group is also taken into account. Also, women should be given a chance to lead the government.

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