30 Days was a reality television show on the FX cable network in the United States, created and hosted by Morgan Spurlock. In each episode, Spurlock, or some other person or group of people, spend 30 days immersing themselves in a particular lifestyle/culture with which they are unfamiliar (e.g. working for minimum wage, being in prison, a Christian living as a Muslim etc.), while discussing related social issues.
Episode No. |
Topic |
101 |
Minimum Wage |
102 |
Anti-Aging |
103 |
Muslims and America |
104 |
Straight Man in a Gay World |
105 |
Off the Grid |
106 |
Binge Drinking Mom |
Episode No. |
Topic |
201 |
Immigration |
202 |
Outsourcing |
203 |
Atheist vs. Christian |
204 |
New Age |
205 |
Pro-life, Pro-choice |
206 |
Jail |
Episode No. |
Topic |
301 |
Working in a Coal Mine |
302 |
Living in a Wheelchair |
303 |
Animal Rights |
304 |
Same Sex Parenting |
305 |
Gun Nation |
306 |
Life on an Indian Reservation |
This experiential assignment instructs students to spend 1 week immersing their selves in a particular lifestyle/culture with which they are unfamiliar. There are three components to this assignment.
1. First, students are to research and write a 1-2 page paper describing in detail the chosen culture, incorporating sociological language/ideas discussed in class (norms, mores, folkways, laws, sanctions, values, social issues. language, food, and clothing). Make sure to use proper citations
2. Following, students are to keep adetailed daily written or verbal journal of their week long experience. Included in the journal are ideas, thoughts, feelings, and any relevant course content experienced. 4-5 pages.
3. Lastly, students will give a presentation to the class describing their research (explaining the culture) and also sharing written/verbal journal entries. This will give students the opportunity to share details of that culture and their experience within that culture!