Topic: Evaluate the relevance of one or more sociological theories in explaining social change.
1000 word essay (all criteria)
Essay title: Evaluate the relevance of one or more sociological theories in explaining social change.
Indicative Learner texts:
Giddens, A. (2009) Sociology. 6th edn. Cambridge: Polity.
Haralambos, M. and Holborn, M. (2008) Sociology : themes and perspectives. 7th edn. London: Collins Educational.
Other resources:
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the learner will know/be able to:
Assessment criteria:
The learning outcomes will have been achieved when the learner has:
1. identify and describe key characteristics associated with the concept of modernity.
1.1 identified & described three key characteristics associated with the concept of modernity.
1.2 identified & described two classic sociology theories, and their individual perspectives, in relation to the characteristics of modernity identified & described.
2. describe and assess key characteristics associated with the concept of late/postmodernity
2.1 describe and assess three key characteristics associated with the concept of late/postmodernity, that result from social changes related to the characteristics of modernity identified & described.
2.2 identified two late/postmodern sociology theorists in relation to the three key characteristics of late/postmodernity identified & described.
3. critically compare perspectives of classical and late/postmodernity
3.1 compared one classical perspective that has been identified and described, in relation to late/postmodern sociological perspectives.
3.2 evaluated the relevance of eitherone classical perspective that has been identified and described; or evaluated the relevance of late/postmodern sociological perspectives.
4. used sociological conventions in own writing.
4.1 provided a coherent and logically structured format with introduction, a logical structuring of the subject under debate, and appropriate conclusion.
4.2 applied relevant sociological terminology when appropriate
Validated: CAVA to input (Last approved modification: CAVA to input)