
Sociological perspectives of structural-functionalism

To define deviance from three sociological perspectives of structural-functionalism, conflict, and symbolic-interactionism.

To describe attempts of the criminal justice system in dealing with crime.

Student Learner Outcomes for Discussion Question #2 and Core Objectives:

To describe the empirical findings of various subfields in sociology. Empirical Quantitative Data.

Click on the following link to access the Death Penalty Information Fact Sheet:


Review the fact sheet to answer the following discussion questions:

How does the racial composition of American society (white-77%, Black-13%, Hispanic-17%) compare to the racial composition of Death Row inmates?

How does each region in the United States compare regarding the number of executions? What social factor or social factors could be used to explain why certain geographic regions of society have higher execution rates?

What variable or social factor is missing from the Death Penalty Information Online fact sheet that could explain the disproportionate representation of African-Americans on death row? Why is this variable important in understanding the broader picture of death row incarceration?

Compare the support for a life sentence without parole with the support for the death penalty. Were you surprised? Why?

Which theoretical perspective (structural-functionalist, symbolic-interactionist, conflict, or feminist) discussed in chapter seven (deviance), could you use to explain the disparity of African-Americans, minorities, and poor people on death row? Why?

Now view the video clip Black Death in Dixie: Racism and the death penalty in the United States. The link for this video clip can be accessed by going to my lecture notes on Chapter Seven (Deviance) in Unit three’s learning module. The video link can be found at the bottom of the very last page of chapter seven (deviance) lecture notes. Click on the link that is titled “Video Black Death in Dixie…”

Can be viewed at https://digital.films.com/play/6XLVW3

After you view the clip Black Death in Dixie: Racism and the death penalty in the United States, please answer the following questions:
Do you think that poverty and not race is the primary reason for the racial disparity of African-Americans in the criminal justice system? Why? Please include supporting examples from the video or film to support your view.

In my chapter eight (social stratification) lecture notes, I discussed William Julius Wilson’s and Oscar Lewis’ views on poverty. Which of these two views best explains why poor people are over represented in the prison system? Why? How does race impact poverty?
Please make sure to reply to Discussion Question #2 by clicking on the ‘Is there inequality in the death penalty?’ forum area and then click on the Create Thread to post your response. You must create a thread to view other participants’ postings. In other words, you must submit your initial or long posting before you are able to view other students’ threads.

All discussion postings should be typed and size font not greater than 12. You must also use Times New Roman. Your initial or long posting should be at least a page in length and font size should be 12. I will not subtract points if you go over a page.

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Other Subject: Sociological perspectives of structural-functionalism
Reference No:- TGS01426165

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