
Socioemotional developmental processes for early childhood

Assignment task 1:

SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for early childhood, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills.

The purpose of this exercise is to recognize and respond to the potential health hazards of a poor diet for young children. Fast food has become deeply ingrained in our society. Most children get their first taste of fast food during the toddler/preschool years, and many eat it on a regular basis.

Select one (1) activity to complete.

Activity 1: Write a letter to the president of a major fast-food chain. Explain, from a developmental perspective, the hazards of a poor, high-fat diet for children's development.

Discuss the inappropriateness of luring children (or their parents, rather) to purchase such meals, with the special kid's meal and accompanying toy. Elaborate by presenting the argument that spending advertising dollars to highlight such meals and toys contributes to the poor nutrition habits of children too young to understand the hazards. Again, this is a letter 1-2 page in correct letter formatting. If you do not know how to format a letter, GOOGLE it!

Activity 2: Create public service announcements (PSA) geared to parents for the purpose of alerting them to the hazards of an inadequate, high-fat diet-particularly in young children.

Complete research to include society's problematic propensity for turning to fast food for ease and convenience, and the lure of receiving a toy with kids' meals. Your script is to be 30-seconds and will typically require about 5 to 7 brief statements. Highlight the major and minor points that you want to make. Be sure the information presented in the PSA is based on up-to-date, accurate research, findings and/or data. 3-5 resources should be listed at the bottom of your document in correct APA formatting. Examples and more information on creating a PSA or check YouTube for No Kid Hungry - Public Service Announcement with Jeff Bridges. Want Online Help?

Assignment task 2:

SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for early childhood, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills.

Discussions between education students provide an opportunity to dialogue with classmates about topics within the field. It is also important that posts be made in a timely manner, allowing other students to respond to your posts. For this class, your initial post must be made by Tuesday of the Learning Unit's scheduled week. You are then to read other classmate's posts and select three or more (3+) posts of your classmates to respond to and discuss their thoughts to the discussion prompt.

Make sure to reply to your classmate's comments to your posts.

Remember, your posts should demonstrate your knowledge of the content and contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Use your text as a resource for creating a substantial initial post. If you use resources outside of the text, you will need to site those sources using the APA citation format.

Select one prompt to respond to for this post.

Think back to your own childhood. What types of screen-based media were available in your home (e.g., TV, DVD player, video games)? How much time did you spend each day using each of these as a young child? Did the amount of time spent change throughout your childhood? Did your parents place limitations on how much screen time you had? Did your parents place restrictions on the types of things you were allowed to watch? Do you believe that your childhood media habits affect your media use as an adult?

Imagine that you are a parent (or if you are a parent, think about your child/children). What guidelines would/will you adopt for your children's media use? Would you limit the amount of time your child spends in front of screens? Would you place restrictions on what types of things your child could see? If so, what would these limitations and restrictions look like? What is the reasoning behind the guidelines you have created?

Remember to be respectful to your peers.

There are multiple ways to respond to your classmates. You may respond to classmate's posts in the suggested ways:

  • Suggest why you might see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share an insight from having read the colleague's post.
  • Offer and support an opinion using cited resources that you researched.
  • Validate an idea with one of your own experiences.
  • Make a suggestion.

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Other Subject: Socioemotional developmental processes for early childhood
Reference No:- TGS03446688

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