
Social trends in the workplace



Find and analyze an article in the mass media to which you can apply concepts and theories from your MGT 301 Organizational Behavior 1013) course.

The spirit of this assignment is to bring OB theories and concepts "alive" - that is. to make the point that what we discuss in class has real-world implications.

First, find an article in a newspaper, magazine. etc.. that deals with a topic that a) interests you and b) is related to organizational behavior issues. Then. write a paper in which you:

I) provide a brief summary of the article;

2) demonstrate how it applies to 0B-related topics, theories and concepts: and

3) draw some conclusions of your own.

Select a Topic:

• First, consider complex topics Irons the text - ones that hese mam subtopics-such as social trends in the workplace. leadership, politics in organizations, health issues, group dynamics, cross-cultural workplace issues, problems and opportunities for newcomers/older workers/expatriates, job performance and how to enable/evaluate it. motivating employees in difficult times. organizational culture and its effects, organizational change. communicating in the workplace, diversity or other topics that deal with employees' attitudes, perceptions and/or behaviors.

• Second. narrow down possible topics to ones that you have some opinion about before beginning your search for articles, so you will have your own ideas to consider in addition to those presented in possible articles.

4 For example, maybe you liked the topic of diversity in the workplace because you experienced something similar in a recent internship, or you read about it, or discussed it with friends, etc. Thus, finding an article on. say. "managing diversity" would be good because

a) you have an interest in the topic already.

b) you could tie the article to a number of topics related to diversity

that we discussed in class or that are discussed in our textbook (i.e.. challenges to managing diversity or organizational practices), and

c) it is likely that you have opinions regarding this tor because of your prior experiences.

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HR Management: Social trends in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS01852026

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