
Social psychology-normative social influence



Choose one of the following movies:

• Philomena

• Hugo

• The Descendants

• Up

• 12 Years a Slave

• Lincoln

• The Theory of Everything

• The Butler

• Saving Mr. Banks

• Hidden Figures

• Any of the Hunger Games movies

Most movies are available at public libraries and movie rental establishments/streaming sites.

1. Watch the movie.

2. Apply six (6) concepts (specific ideas) that were discussed in the class to explain specific behaviors in the movie. You can only use concepts, The concepts must be from at least 4 of the modules (excludes psychological foundations, psychological research, personality, psychological disorders, treatment of psychological disorders).

Use the following format for your assignment:

1. At the top of the page indicate the movie that you watched.

2. Name the module title and then name the specific concept. (example: Learning: positive reinforcement)

3. Lastly, in paragraph form for each concept:

• define the concept

• describe the scene in the movie (the behavior);

• explain how/why the behavior in the movie is an example of the concept.

Your grade will be based on:

1. following the required format and directions;

2. how well you define the concept; and

3. how well you explain how the concept was illustrated in the movie.THE HUNGER GAMES

1. Memory: Flashbulb Memory

As the male and female tribute was chosen, Katniss and Peeta were brought up the stage. Once she saw Peeta, she recollected the memory she had of him throwing her the half burnt bread meant for the pigs. In this memory, Katniss was sat under a tree shivering in the rain and probably hungry. Mrs. Mellark had just finished scolding Peeta for burning the bread when he saw Katniss and threw her one of the bread.

Flashbulb Memories are vivid and detailed recollections of momentous events.Katniss had a vivid recollection of her first encounter with Peeta when they met at the choosing ceremony. The memory was so detailed that she remembered the weather, her outfit, what was thrown to her and the condition she was in. Katniss had this flashbulb memory due to the permanence of her long term memory.

2. Social Psychology: Normative Social Influence

In the arena, Katniss Everdeen hid on a tree and saw Peeta Mellark walking with Marvel and Glimmer including Cato and Clove from districts 1 and 2 respectively. They were in pursuit of her hoping to kill her. Katniss heard Cato ask Peeta the direction she went and Peeta pointed them in a certain direction.

Normative Social Influence operates when people conform to social norms for fear of negative social consequences.Peeta formed an alliance with the toughest like Cato and Clove from district 2;he helped them in finding Katniss in order to kill her. He conformed to their group because he assumed that his best chance at survival was to stick with the best at the expense of his partner.

3. Variations of Consciousness: Non-REM Sleep

After Katniss got burned from the burning forest and finally saw a tree she could climb on to escape those chasing her, she rested for a while. She later awakened to the pinging sound of the gift containing a healing balm for her injuries from the sponsors.

Non-REM Sleep comprise of stages 1-3 which is marked by an absence of rapid eye movements, relatively little dreaming, and varied EEG activity.Katniss Everdeen due to her pain was in the Non-REM sleep when she slept, she was alert and not in deep sleep because of the highly tensed environment she was in and on a tree branch nonetheless. There was no rapid eye movement and that is why she could wake up immediately she heard the pinging sound of the gift's arrival.

4. Social Psychology: Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis

During the individual evaluation, Katniss went into the room, and got a bow and arrow. She shot the first arrow after getting the judges attention but missed. She made a second shot but the judges already lost interest in her. When Katniss noticed that the judges were just discussing amongst themselves and not paying attention to her, she got mad and made another shot through an apple in the centerpiece amidst them all. This definitely got their attention and Katniss made her exit after saying "Thanks for your consideration".

Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis is the hypothesis that frustration produces aggression. Aggression is the intentional harming of others both psychological and physical.Katniss Everdeen got frustrated when she was not acknowledged by the judges after she made her second shot; she became aggressive and shot her arrow into the apple which then got stuck in the wall directly beside Seneca Crane, the games master. She could have easily killed him but she did not.

5. Memory: Long Term Memory

In the beginning of the movie, Katniss went hunting to trade her catch for food. She tracked adeer and almost killed it but the deer got startled and ran away by Gale Hawthorne asking Katniss "What are you gonna do with it when you kill it?" Katniss replies, "I was gonna sell it to the peace keepers".Gale threw a stone into the trees which made the birds flee and Katniss shot one down immediately.

Long Term Memory is an unlimited capacity store that can hold information over lengthy periods of time.Katniss Everdeen hunting skills is in her long term memory and she has had this skill for a while. Her hunting skills had been stored permanently in her long tern memory and she can hunt anywhere. This skill helped her win the hunger games.

6. Neuroscience: Sympathetic Nervous System

Katniss was resting on a tree branch when she heard something amiss; she saw the forest on fire and got down from the tree. She ran to escape but got burnt on her thigh and despite the pain she continued running. Katniss also got chased by tributes from districts 1 and 2, they tried to kill her but she escaped them by climbing a tree.

The Sympathetic Nervous System is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that mobilizes the body's resources for emergencies.Katniss' sympathetic nervous system diverted her attention to flee from the danger and deal with the crisis although she was injured and in pain. Her fight-or-flight response was created and she chose to flee ignoring all other bodily functions like her pain.

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