Social Psychology Research
Social psychology has yielded many controversial experiments. For this assignment you are to research one of the following works: Asch (Line Experiment), Milgram (Teacher/Learner Experiment), or Zimbardo (Prison Experiment).
In at least 500 words (submitted in APA format)
- Describe the experiment
- Describe the social construct that was being studied
- Describe the issues related to the research
- Describe the contributions this research had to the field/science of psychology.
Please be sure to paraphrase (put into your own words) the information that you use from our textbook and/or other outside sources unless directly quoting with quotation marks. Direct quotations (word-for-word excerpts with quotation marks) should only comprise at most 10 - 15% of your writing. If the information is not put into your own words or quotation marks are not used, then the writing is considered plagiarized, which is a serious infraction with any university. I will not accept assignments that have not followed the directions listed in this paragraph!!