
Social exchange theory and social cognition

Assignment task: For each cases listed below, try to apply concepts from the following theoretical perspectives to understand the behavior: situational pressures, Social Exchange Theory, Social Cognition, Self-Esteem.

Situation 1: Allen is a junior in college and is vice-president of his fraternity. He is very bright, but spends little time studying and barely squeaks by. He spends most of his days and nights at the fraternity house talking, goofing off, or partying. Explain Allen's behavior.

Situation 2 Kim and Steve have been dating for a couple of months. He wants to settle into a steady relationship, but she isn't sure. Several guys keep calling Kim to go out. She is tempted to go, but knows that Steve would be very upset. Finally, Kim decides to drop Steve. Explain Kim's behavior.

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Other Subject: Social exchange theory and social cognition
Reference No:- TGS03224666

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