
social elements in business after volunteeringas

Social Elements in Business after Volunteering

As a group, we plan to volunteer our time at the American Red Cross branch. We did some manual labor by helping with some year-end cleaning jobs, such as washing windows and cleaning all the lights. Our next element to the project was helping with the blood drive. During the blood drive, we helped the donors safely get out of their chairs and to a separate area to receive drinks and snacks. We also aided the workers with small chores, such as cleanup and restocking.

In analyzing the sustainability of the impact of voluntary work at the American Red Cross, will your impact outlive your activity? How long will the impact survive? How do you know? Please provide a discussion of how this voluntary work has modified or transformed your thinking around social and ethical elements in business.

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Business Management: social elements in business after volunteeringas
Reference No:- TGS0480965

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