
Soc2220 identify a journal article that supports your

Research Paper -Select ONE criminology theory from the list below.

Identify a journal article that supports your theory and one journal article that does not support your theory.

In this syllabus, pages 12 - 14 have a list of suggested resources that should be used for your paper.

Wikipedia, Study (for example) are not acceptable sources. Write a three page paper describing the theory and the article's findings.

Write a page describing the theory and how it explains criminal behavior. Write a page about the first journal article and how it supports the theory.

Write a page about the second journal article and how it criticizes the theory. Also discuss whether the theory should be used when creating crime control policies?

These are the topics Below please only choose one of these!

victim precipitation theory lifestyle

theory routine activities theory e

psychodynamic theory

attachment theory

behavior theory

cognitive theory Hormonal Influences (e.g. testoerone)

Arousal theory Monoamine oxidase A eText strain theory cultural

deviance theory

delinquent subculture theory

Trajectory theory

1. Latent trait Problem behavior syndrome General theory of crime Important Requirements:

2. This project must be submitted through Safe Assign. Upload it to the assignment link in your course in Blackboard.

3. You are required to have in-text citations and full references that adhere to APA format.

4. You are required to have 3 sources: one source may be your text; one source must be a journal article from syllabus list of suggested resources. You must use library resources to find two sources in addition to your textbook

5. You must evaluate your paper using the "Written Communication Evaluation Checklist" and submit a scanned copy with your paper.

6. Must be a Microsoft Word Document Your paper must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Keep the assignment length between 3 & 4 pages, in 12-pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced.

Upload a copy of your paper as a Microsoft Word attachment to Blackboard.

It is strongly suggested that you use CAS or WriteAid to review your paper prior to submitting it.

Your assignment will look like the following:

I. Introductory paragraph - prepare the reader for forthcoming information (one to two paragraphs)

II. Body

A. Your chosen theory 1. Background detail on the theory (1/2 page)

B. Journal Article One 1. Detailed information regarding its supports the theory, (1 ½ to 2 pages).

C. Journal Article Two 1. Detailed information regarding its criticism of the theory, (1 ½ to 2 pages).

D. Crime Control 1. Detailed information answering the question, "Should this theory be considered when creating crime control policies," (one to two paragraphs)

III. Conclusion - Summarize your main points (one paragraph)

IV. Works Cited Page - cite your sources according to APA format.

7. Documentation You must document your sources using Criminology's standard citation method, APA. You can also look at the APA guide from the library at CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

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Dissertation: Soc2220 identify a journal article that supports your
Reference No:- TGS02804318

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