
Soc 320 explain the ontological and epistemological

Assignment : The Culture Industry

1. To prepare for this assignment, read the chapter on critical theory and review your notes on the culture industry.

2. Conducting your research:

Get on line and look at advertisements for clothing, cars, motorcycles, stereos, jewelry, security systems, tires, food-whatever you like.
Note trends you see in the way that these items are advertised. Aside from the item being advertised, what tactics are used to sell the product?

(E.g., some advertisers sell the idea that you'll be more attractive, find a better mate, be a better parent, fit within a community you'd like, or that you'll find freedom and individuality. Others just advertise the product (e.g., round steak $4.99 a pound this week).

3. Writing your paper

3A. Theoretical Framework: Explain the ontological and epistemological assumptions of the Frankfurt School and the goals of the theorists who were its members. Explain what Adorno, Horkheimer & Marcuse mean by the "culture industry."

Explain what they mean by "one-dimensional" thinking, the impact the culture industry has on "negative" thinking, and how it creates "false needs." What is the political impact of all this on the average person or the electorate?

3B. Presenting your data: Provide a minimum of 5 advertisements (link or the actual ad). Provide a rich description of each ad.

3C. Analyzing the data: Explain how each example and trend you presented in part 3B is or is not part of the culture industry and how it promotes or destroys "negative thinking." How does it create false needs? If it doesn't, explain how the ad addresses a "true" need.  Discuss the potential political impact of the trends you see in your data.

3D. Drawing conclusions: Based on what you presented above, what do you conclude about Americans' freedom under advanced industrial capitalism? Support your conclusions with evidence.

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Dissertation: Soc 320 explain the ontological and epistemological
Reference No:- TGS02923519

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