Soc 212 six basic tactics account for 95 of all terrorist

 Quiz 8 Leon-Guerrero, A. (2015). Social problems: Community, policy, and social action (5th ed.) Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Question 1 : The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a

government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or

social objectives is known as:




Question 2 : Domestic terrorist groups are found more often in:

A. democracies.

B. authoritarianstates.

C. the northeast. .

D. small countries.

Question 3  : Six basic tactics account for 95% of all terrorist incidents. Which of the following is NOT one of these tactics?

A. Bombings

B. Armed assaults

C. Cyber-crime

D. Hijackings

Question 4  : According to Ken Cunningham, the United States was born of violence and:

A. terror.

B. war.

C. submission.

D. revolution.

Question 5 : The Mexican War was justified under the principle of:

A. slavery.

B. latent determinism.

C. manifest destiny.

D. freedom.

Question 6 : Securing financial support and gaining media attention are examples of:

A. process goals.

B. outcome goals.

C. domestic terrorism.

D. international terrorism.

Question 7 : A functionalist would argue that one difference between war and terrorism is that:

A. war is always violent, where terrorism is not.

B. terrorism creates social stability, where war creates social instability.

C. war has clear social norms and boundaries, where terrorism does not.

D. terrorism provides a safety valve, where war is immediate.

Question 8 : Six basic tactics account for 95% of all incidents. Which is NOT one of these tactics?

A. Bombings

B. Assassinations

C. Carjackings

D. Kidnappings

Question 9  : The conflict perspective views war as:

A. natural.

B. symbolic.

C. a product of oppression.

D. a socially stabilizing force.

Question 10 : Which perspective focuses on the social messages and meaning of war and terrorism?

A. Interactionist

B. Functionalist

C. Feminist

D. Conflict

Question 11 : What was the worst domestic terrorist attack in U.S. history?

A. The attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

B. The World Trade Center attacks.

C. The Columbine school shootings.

D. The Boston Marathon bombing.

Question 12 : The World Church of the Creator and Aryan Nations are examples of:

A. left-wing extremists.

B. right-wing extremists.

C. Puerto Rican extremists

D. environmental extremists.

Question 13: The rate of suicide among veterans is best described as:

A. natural.

B. underestimated.

C. an epidemic.

D. rare.

Question 14 : The final cost of the Iraq war is estimated to be:

A. about 12 million dollars.

B. less than 3 billion dollars.

C. about 13 billion dollars.

D. more than 2 trillion dollars.

Question 15 : Which of the following terms is associated with ecocide?


B. Agent Orange

C. Islam

D.Pork spending

Question 16  : Which NATO member has yet to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?

A. France

B. United States

C. Germany

D. Great Britain

Question 17 : Which of the following examples illustrates the political impact of terrorism in the United States?

A. The creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

B. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security

C. The expansion of research funding for the study of ecocide

D. The expansion of programs to address the problem of mass incarceration

Question 18 : Which lead foreign affairs agency attempts to formulate, represent, and implement the President's foreign policy?

A. Department of Justice

B. Department of Foreign Affairs

C. Department of State

D. Department of Homeland Security

Question 19 : Which war marked our nation's birth?

A. The Spanish American War

B. The War of 1812

C. The Civil War

D. The American Revolution

Question 20 : Which company exemplifies the dangers of the military-industrial complex?

A. Wal-Mart

B. Halliburt on

C. Go-Pro

D. CareMar k

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