No need for cover sheet.
e-Activity: How Mass Media Influences our Society (youtube)
1. "Do Media influence Society?" Please respond to the following:
• From the e-Activity titled above "How Mass Media Influences our Society" discuss two- or three-ways mass media influence you and others you know. Explain two or three reasons or ways in which mass media impact us. (Cite any sources you referenced.)
• Debate It - Take a position on the statement: American Values are shaped by the mass media. Support your views with two or three reasons and / or examples.
2. "Do Media Distort Representations of Islam and Arab Cultures?" Please respond to the following:
• Debate It - Take a position on this statement: The news media's depiction of Muslims negatively effects the way American Muslims are viewed in society. Support your views with two or three reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)