Question 1
Women's inequality is primarily the result of imperfect institutions, which can be corrected by reforms that do not fundamentally alter society itself. This statement reflects the beliefs of:
Socialist feminism
Liberal feminism
Radical feminism
Multicultural feminism
Question 2
The "second shift" refers to:
Any informal money-making activities taken on by mothers who do not work outside the home, such as providing childcare for friends, selling homemade jewelery, or seamstressing
The additional parenting or "fathering" responsibilities single mothers must take on after a divorce or separation
The unpaid housework women typically do after they come home from their paid employment
When the primary breadwinner takes on a second or third job to support the household
Question 3
Sex is defined as:
Norms, roles, and behaviors associated in a given society with being male or female
The anatomical or other biological differences between males and females that originate in human genes
Whether an individual identifies themselves as a man or woman
The category someone is assigned at birth depending on their physical appearance
Question 4
The matrix of domination is a system in which:
Individuals are categorized as either oppressed or the oppressor.
Individuals are viewed as occupying statuses as members of both dominated and dominating groups.
Race is the most important category of identity, with little consideration of class, sexual orientation, or gender.
People are encouraged to examine only their own, singular standpoint.
Question 5
Which of the following is considered the "factory of gendered personalities"?
Peer groups
The workplace
Question 6
What expression does Talcott Parsons use to describe the family?
Factory of socialization
Socialization factories
Factory of personalities
Sites of socialization
Question 7
Marriages may be legitimized by which of the following?
Legal authorities only
Religious and legal authorities
Religious authorities, legal authorities, and cultural norms
Cultural norms only
Question 8
When two or more people live together and have a legally or normatively recognized relationship, this is an example of which of the following social institutions?
Question 9
Families characterized by parents living with their biological children and apart from other kin are referred to as:
Question 10
Physical or sexual abuse committed by one family member against another is referred to as:
Domestic violence
Intimate partner violence
Interfamily abuse
Domestic partner violence
Question 11
Schools were originally established in the United States for which of the following purposes?
Training workers in a particular craft
Educating children to read biblical literature
Teaching the public to read and write
Teaching people workplace habits and skills
Question 12
A society in which access to desirable jobs and social status depends on the posession of a certificate or diploma is referred to as:
Credential society
Globalized society
Post-industrial society
Western society
Question 13
_____ refers to the education of racial minorities in schools that are geographically, economically, and/or socially separated from those attended by the racial majority.
Educational discrimination
Racial tracking
School segregation
Racial inequality
Question 14
School segregation based on residential patterns or student choice, despite the legal segregation being banned, is referred to as:
De jure segregation
Residual segregation
De facto segregation
Effectual segregation
Question 15
Which of the following is an example of the sociological term "moral education"?
Fifth graders learning about laws and rights.
Kindergartners learning how to behave in class.
Children learning to read biblical literature.
High school students learning about inequality.
Question 16
The transmission of society's norms, values, and knowledge base by means of direct instruction is referred to as:
Internship training.