
Snpg939 psychoactive substance and mental health -

Assessment 1: Essay - Critique of substance-use interview

Task Description

Students will critique (not describe) a videoed substance-use interview.

Students will view and then critique the interview in the video on the following elements using the literature (references):

- The interviewer's initial contact with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder (the ‘interviewee');

- The level of rapport and respect the interviewer shows to the interviewee;

- The interviewer's assessment of the interviewee's readiness to change;

- The interviewer's identification of impact of substance use on the interviewee's health;

- The interviewer's identification of impact of substance use on the interviewee's lifestyle;

- The interviewer's identification of other stressors the intervieweemay be experiencing;

- The interviewer's level of overall engagement with the interviewee;

- The way in which the interviewer concluded (ended) the interview.

Headings are to be used in the essay. Each of the dot points above could be a heading (although these will need to be abbreviated). Students have been asked to ‘critique' the interview techniques used by the interviewer, not just describe the questions/comments used.

Students are to explain and justify their responses using appropriate and scholarly references, using the APA 6 referencing style.

1500 words

Assessment 2: Health Behaviour Change Diary

Task Description

Students are to keep a health behaviour change diary using the template on Moodle (‘Assessment 2' folder).

In this diary (1000 words), students are to:

- Document ONE key health behaviour you wish to change (i.e. increasing levels of exercise, consume a healthier diet, increasing water intake, quitting smoking). With this, include a discussion on why this change in health behaviour is needed using the literature for support (references);
- Develop and document short-term and long-term goals to achieve the change in yourbehaviour;
- Document the positives versus the negatives of changing your behaviour (pros versus cons) - document this in table form;
- Describe the impact of the behaviour change onyour health;
- Describe the impact of the behaviour change on yourlifestyle;
- Measure and record progress to achieving the change on a weekly basis (in the form of weekly diary entries, not included in the 1000 word count. Students must have a minimum of seven (7) entries and include the dates of the entries.
At the end of the change period, complete a reflective piece (1500 words) on the change journey:

- identify barriers to change you experienced;
- identify facilitators to change you experienced;
- Reflect on ways you can use your own change experiences when working with a person experiencing a substance-usedisorder.

All of the sections in the diary and the reflection are to be supported with contemporary, scholarly literature (references).
As this is a reflective piece, you are encouraged to write in the first person.

*Note, it is compulsory that all students are to email the Subject Coordinator by week 3 of session (by the 12th August) providing the first diary entry for feedback. No marks will be awarded for this; it is a formative part of the assessment.

2500 words

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Dissertation: Snpg939 psychoactive substance and mental health -
Reference No:- TGS02867828

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