
Smb4103-introduction to programming - write a java

Topics Covered

- Designing a Java application
- Java I/O and Data types
- Control Structure-Decision
- Control Structure-Loops
- String Handling
- Arrays and Array lists
- Exception Handling
- Files I/O and streams

A branch of the Australian taxation office has hired you as a contract programmer. Your first assignment is to write a Java complete program to access employee profile and calculate the tax rate for each employee. The user has first to enter the user name and password to access to their profile. When the login details are not correct, the program asks the user to re-enter login details again. A text based menu appear to the user for access the profile when the user provides correct login details (correct user name and password).

The menu offers the user to display profile or modifying any field in addition to calculate the tax rate. The tax rate can be calculated according to the following table:

For example is the user salary is $50,000, the tax rate is (50,000-40,000)*0.35+4,000 = $7,500

Task Specifications

You are required to write a Java console program using Netbeans IDE. Your task is to design and code a Java program that will achieve the following:

- On starting load the use details from a text file that is provided. Your program must display an error message if the file is not found or if there is no data.
- Display a message asking the user to enter user name and password. The program must display incorrect login message and ask the user to re-enter login details if the user enter incorrect user name or password.
- Display a menu when the user entered correct login details. The menu asks the user to select: display user profile, modify user profile, tax rate or exit.
- If the user chooses to display user profile the program display all the user profile for the login user and shows the menu again.
- If the user chooses to modify user profile the program must allow the user to enter new profile and update the user details in the text file and shows the menu again.
- When the user chooses tax rate, the program calculates and display the tax rate according to the user salary. The program then shows the menu again.
- The program terminates when the user select exit.
- Program should be properly commented and indented.

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JAVA Programming: Smb4103-introduction to programming - write a java
Reference No:- TGS02278709

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