
Sm4008 - global and transnational business - draw briefly

Global and Transnational Business

Instructions on Assessment:

The context:

Marks & Spencer (M&S), the iconic British brand known across the world for over a century, withdrew from China less than a decade of entering the biggest retail growth market in the world.

The question:

Examine Marks & Spencer's actions in detail in the context of the Chinese market structure, demand conditions, entry mode M&S adopted and any other aspects you think are important to explain why it was withdrawing. Use at least three theoretical frameworks to do the analysis of the company's performance in China. Also discuss what M&S could have done differently and how M&S should prepare to enter China successfully in the next few years.

Instructions on crafting your Assignment:

- This is a research-based assignment. The assignment requires you to demonstrate that you understand and can use theoretical frameworks in your analysis. It is therefore expected that you apply appropriate concepts, i.e., models/ theoretical frameworks, discussed in the module. You do not have to describe models in detail, only apply them well.

Also, rather than applying every part equally, you may apply the relevant parts of the main models/ theoretical frameworks you choose to use. You may also draw briefly from models other than the three main ones you use if that is necessary.

- Your analytical discussion must be supported by a significant number of information sources as well as theory. You are free to gather the information you need from different authoritative sources to make your argument. A good argument is backed by analysis that is well supported by data.

- You should be thorough and detailed in your analysis, and should fully explain and justify all the points. However, there is a balance to be sought between a mass of detail and a thorough, yet relatively concise reasoning. Thus, your writing must be clear and concise.

- Append only relevant information to support your discussion and analysis in the main body of the report. Appendices should be properly organised and the reader referred to the appropriate appendix at the appropriate point in the text.

- Cite sources of all researched data and theories/concepts/models on which your analysis is based so as not to be flagged as plagiarism. Use APA referencing style.

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Dissertation: Sm4008 - global and transnational business - draw briefly
Reference No:- TGS02864308

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