
Slave trade in brazil

Slave trade in brazil:

The trans-Atlantic slave trade:

– explaining changes in the size and shape of the slave trade

– Why did the slave trade increase dramatically at certain times? Or decrease?

– Why were Africans enslaved and not other groups?

– Where/when was the demand for slaves the highest? Why?

– What parts of Africa supplied the largest numbers of slaves? Why?

– What goods were traded along with slaves? How did they change over time?

– the Middle Passage

– the involvement of different European groups: the British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Danish, etc.

– slave ship revolts

– Why were certain individuals enslaved? How did gender impact enslavement (ie, were women preferred or not? Why?)

– the development of navigational technologies and ship-building techniques

– Why was the slave trade abolished? Who were the main individuals involved in abolition?

– racial prejudices and the slave trade

– recent debates over compensation

The trans-Atlantic slave trade and the Americas:

– the cultural/religious/linguistic/culinary/etc. impact of Africans in the Americas

– African communities in the Americas

– African ethnicities in the Americas

– How was the middle passage remembered by slaves in the Americas?

– How is the slave trade remembered in the Americas today? Contrast different parts of the Americas.

Africa in the era of the slave trade:

– How did the slave trade impact African communities? Economically? Politically? Culturally?

– Focusing on certain African states, such as the Kongo, Asante, Yoruba, Hausa, etc., or particular slave trading ports, such as Lagos, Ouidah, Loango, etc.

– slavery within Africa

– African slaves exported throughout the Indian Ocean/Asia/Middle East

– the abolition of slavery within Africa

– religious change in African communities: spread of Christianity and Islam

– the memory of the slave trade in Africa today (museums, tours, political movements, etc)

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