
Sketch the trajectory of the lms algorithm on your contour

Suppose that we have the following three reference patterns and their targets:

35_3166b756-c775-462f-889b-f0c3e670f860 (1).png

Each pattern is equally likely.

i. Draw the network diagram for an ADALINE network with no bias that could be trained on these patterns.

ii. We want to train the ADALINE network with no bias using these patterns. Sketch the contour plot of the mean square error performance index.

iii. Find the maximum stable learning rate for the LMS algorithm.

iv. Sketch the trajectory of the LMS algorithm on your contour plot. Assume a very small learning rate, and start with all weights equal to zero. This does not require any calculations.

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Civil Engineering: Sketch the trajectory of the lms algorithm on your contour
Reference No:- TGS01713263

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