
size of library building in library

Size of library building in library management 

The size of the library building is determined by the number of clientele it is going tocater to (many subscription and public libraries, which may have a large membership,do not provide correspondingly large reading areas as in the case of academiclibraries), variety and range of services provided, document type (obviously the spacerequirement of a text book library will differ from a maps and drawings library, forthe same number of documents), total present collection and the rate of growth, staffstrength, extension and other activities. While the Fifth law of Library Science statesthat 'Library is a growing organism', there is a limit to growth as far as building spaceis concerned. Normally a library building is planned with a 15-20  years growth inview. But since the library activity cannot come to a standstill at the end of 20 years,just because funds are not available for a new building, every library should have anactive 'de-acquisition' policy along with a healthy acquision policy. There are a lot ofephemeral materials accumulated in the library over the years-old catalogues andbrochures, news bulletins, old text books, outdated reference  books, torn fictionbooks, and many other materials which occupy valuable space in the library. Theseshould be periodically weeded out to make space for the new. In essence, one shouldensure that the size of the building is adequate from all perspectives.  

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Management Theories: size of library building in library
Reference No:- TGS0177025

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