
Sitxhrm006 monitor staff performance assessment - short

Monitor staff performance Assessment - Short Answer Questions, Project and Practical Observation

Assessment 1 -

Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

Question 1: How does a well-defined job description help the business?

Question 2: When applying targets they should follow the SMART principle. What does SMART stand for?

Question 3: List 10 criteria which are often used in performance appraisals in the TH&E industry that can help you monitor the ongoing performance of staff.

Question 4: When should you provide your employees with feedback?

Question 5: List 4 functions of coaches and mentors.

Question 6: Giving feedback helps guide and support your staff. 'Giving credit where credit is due is one example'. List 3 others.

Question 7: List 3 ways to identify if a staff member might need further coaching or training.

Question 8: List 5 strategies you might take to prevent performance problems.

Question 9: What is the first step in resolving a performance problem?

Question 10: List 3 possible solutions to performance problems.

Question 11: If you find that performance issues are ongoing what are some steps you might take? What policies and procedures must be followed?

Question 12: What does a formal grievance procedure usually involve?

Question 13: Why is it important to have accurate records of any disciplinary procedures?

Question 14: Name and describe 3 methods of reviewing performance.

Question 15: Why is analysis of performance data useful? What must be considered when analysing performance data in preparation for a performance review?

Question 16: Name 5 aims of a performance management system.

Question 17: Any criticism given during the review should be what?

Question 18: What do you do with completed performance records?

Question 19: What are the advantages of an employee agreeing to a course of action during a performance review?

Question 20: For YOUR organisation or industry, describe the procedures for performance appraisal, counselling sessions and grievance procedures. Are there any areas that need to be reconsidered for inclusion?

Your response must include the procedures that exist in the organisation. If you are not working in industry, provide an overview what this procedures entail based on your studies.

Assessment 2 -

Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

This assessment consists of 2 parts, Part A and Part B

Part A -

  • Requires you to choose 3 different job roles relevant to your industry or area of training, for example Hospitality, Tourism or Events and develop the documentation for a performance appraisal procedure for these 3 positions.
  • Chef, Bar attendant, waiter, receptionist, room service attendant

Part B -

  • Requires you to write a report in which you will outline how you will administer the performance appraisal, the provisions for various feedback requirements, processes to recognise and deal with performance problems including training, and informal and formal grievance procedures.

PART A - Developing procedures for performance appraisal

1. Choose 3 different positions relevant to your industry or area of study in Hospitality, Tourism or Events and determine at least 7 tasks or responsibilities of each role.

2. For each job role and each task, establish the key performance indicators. The following links can help you to define these: Position Description - Executive Sous Chef.

3. Develop measurable criteria which you will use to base your questions for the individual appraisals on.

a. The criteria need to be measurable e.g. in form of a rating scale that measures the level of performance.

b. Ensure that each of the key aspects listed below are incorporated into the key outcomes and key performance indicators.

c. Compile these criteria into a checklist for each job role that can be used for monitoring the effectiveness of staff as they perform their day-to-day duties in Assessment 3, Practical Observation.

Key Aspects:

  • adherence to procedures
  • cost minimisation
  • customer service standards
  • level of accuracy in work
  • personal presentation
  • productivity
  • punctuality
  • response times
  • team interaction
  • waste minimisation

4. Develop the annual performance review document addressing the criteria developed in Question 3 which will be used for the staff performance appraisal.

PART B - Report

Write a report that clearly outlines how you will implement the performance appraisal for your 3 staff. Your report needs to include the following details:

a. Notification of staff and timelines of what will occur, how and when

b. Who will participate in the review process?

c. How the review will be administered.

d. How you will identify performance problems based on your criteria which you have developed in PART A.

e. Provisions for training and professional development: How these are determined and which options could be used to manage this effectively.

f. Grievance procedures

g. Informal and formal counselling options including options for problem solving techniques

h. Provisions and options for recognising and rewarding outstanding performance

i. Procedures for disagreements of performance

j. Documentation and record keeping requirements

Assessment 3 -

Your tasks: This assessment consists of 3 parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.

Part A requires you to

1. Monitor the effectiveness of staff in your area of work, using the criteria and checklist you developed in Part A of Assessment 2. You must ensure that your monitor and record the effectiveness of staff members, comparing their performance against at least 6 of the criteria.

2. Provide supportive feedback for the staff being monitored, as well as guidance for improving performance standards in cases where observed performance is below the required standard.

Part B requires you to

Plan and conduct a structured performance appraisal of at least 2 staff members you have observed in Part A in line with established organisational procedures.

Part C requires you to

Plan and conduct formal counselling and training sessions for at least 2 staff members you have observed in Part A in line with established organisational procedures.

PART A - Monitoring staff effectiveness

Your tasks:

A. You will be observed monitoring staff performance for 6 of the performance standards listed in the table below over 2 or more service periods as instructed.

B. You will be required to use the criteria and checklist developed in Assessment 2, PART A for these tasks.

C. During the monitoring of staff performance you will be required to provide supportive feedback on each staff member's performance against the specified criteria.

D. In cases where you determine that the staff member's performance does not meet the required standard, you will be required to provide guidance for how the staff member can improve their performance - you will be required to conduct the structured formal counselling and training sessions for 2 students in Part C of this assessment.

PART B - Conducting Performance Appraisals

Your task: Using your plan for conducting performance appraisals developed in Assessment 2 Part A, you will be observed how you organise and undertake performance appraisals of 3 staff you have observed in Part A of this assessment.

PART C - Conducting Counselling and Training Sessions

Your task: following your observations in Part A, you are required to conduct each, a training session (1.) and a formal counselling session (2.) to two students who were underperforming during these sessions.

1. Training session:

Nature of the training:

Performance requirements:

Staff member name:





Signature staff member:

Signature Student:

2. Counselling session:

Reason/Nature of the session:

Performance requirements:

Staff member name:




Signature staff member:

Signature Student:

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