Assessment Task: Case Study report Each student will be allocated one case study to analyze and prepare a report on the same Refer 'MARKING RUBRIC' in the appendix for more information on the expectations relating to this assessment.
Each student will analyze the assigned case and will submit a written report. The student is expected to take an active role, i.e. to take the place of a Marketing Manager in the case company or organization. The aim of this exercise is to help course participants develop the ability to make marketing decisions in the services marketing context, to support these decisions with appropriate analyses. Do not answer the questions for discussion where these are provided with the case (although addressing these may help you with the case analysis). Rather, after a brief introductory background on the case, each student should cover four areas in the main body of the report:
• Situation analysis - Provide an analysis of the situation facing the case study company (e.g. in terms of the nature of demand and competition in the company's industry, key problem areas, key opportunities, etc.);
• Services marketing issues - Identify and discuss the services marketing issues (i.e. in terms of the expanded services marketing mix) the company has to deal with in the case study;
• Reflecting academic research- Identify and explain the major findings of any three journal articles that talk on any three service marketing issues that you have identified in the case.
• Recommendations - Discuss the means by which these services marketing issues can be addressed by the company in terms of the integrated approach to services marketing.
Case- Michelin Fleet Solutions: From Selling Tires to Selling Kilometers.