
Sithkop002 assignment - plan and cost basic menus acumen

Assignment - Plan and cost basic menus

ASSESSMENT 1 - For this assessment you are required to plan and cost basic menus for dishes or food product ranges for different types of cuisine or food service style. You must demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to:

  • Identify customer preferences
  • Plan menus
  • Cost menus
  • Write menu content.
  • Evaluate menu success

Instructions -

Task A - For this assessment, you are required to identify your business's current customer profile and seek feedback from customers (role played by other students) to analyse their food preferences.

  • Describe the profile of customers of the Acumen Commercial Kitchen. Ensure you include, age range, cultures, typical spend, dietary requirements, food style.
  • List and identify menu options that can be created to suit the customer profile
  • Conduct a meeting with your classmates to discuss the menu options you have identified and provide notes as to why or why not each idea is rejected

Task B - Design 8 different menus to suit the styles listed below (i.e. one menu per style) and cost each one by conducting a menu analysis in the template provided.

  • Ala carte
  • Buffet
  • Cyclical
  • Degustation
  • Ethnic
  • Set
  • Table d'hôte
  • Seasonal

The essential requirements for some of the menus are listed below. For all other menus, you are to decide the requirements.

A La Carte menu

The menu must comprise of 5 Entrée's, 5 Mains and 5 desserts.

It must have a range of colours and flavours.

The menu must also comprise a balanced range of menu items and must include:

  • Seafood dishes
  • Meat dishes
  • Poultry dishes
  • Vegetarian dishes
  • Gluten free dishes
  • A range of desserts - hot and cold

The menu must then be costed according to realistic ingredient prices and portions sizes and ingredient yields. The ingredients within each recipe must be costed to determine the cost per serve of every menu item on the menu. This must then be entered into the menu analysis template (section 2 of this assessment). The menu, once entered into the menu analysis spreadsheet, must fall at 30% food cost percentage or below.

The menu must be presentable to industry standard in a word document and should use current industry trends in menu design..

Table D 'Hote menu -

The menu must comprise of 2 Entrée's, 2 Mains and 2 desserts

It must have a range of colours and flavours

The menu must also comprise a balanced range of menu items and must include:

  • Entrée: must comprise of 2 of the following: Seafood dish, Vegetarian dish or Poultry or game dish (at least one of these dishes must be gluten free)
  • Main: must comprise of 2 of the following: Meat dish, Seafood dish, Poultry or game dish (at least one of these dishes must be gluten free). Items chosen must not be a food type used in the entrée section and if a vegetarian dish is not used in the entrée section. An additional vegetarian option must be chosen as a 3rd main course option
  • Desserts: 2 of different colours

The menu must then be costed according to realistic ingredient prices and portions sizes and ingredient yields appropriate to a Table D 'Note menu. The ingredients within each recipe must be costed to determine the cost per serve of every menu item on the menu. This must then be entered into a menu analysis template (section 2 of this assessment) that the Assessor will issue to the student. Once the costing of the menu are entered into the menu analysis spreadsheet students must determine the average cost per customer of the entire 3 courses, then must determine the selling price of the function as price per head. The price per head must take into account that the food cost percentage at 30% or below.

The menu must be presentable to industry standard in a word document and should use current industry trends in menu design.

Buffet menu -

The menu must comprise of 7 savoury dishes and 5 desserts

Each dish must serve at least 20 customers.

It must have a range of colours and flavours.

The menu must also comprise a balanced range of menu items and must include:

  • Seafood or poultry dish/es
  • Meat and/or egg based dish/es
  • Vegetarian dishies
  • Gluten free dish/es
  • Pastries iternis
  • A range of desserts hot or cold

The menu must then be costed according to realistic ingredient prices and portions sizes and ingredient yields. The ingredients within each recipe must be costed to determine the cost per serve of every menu item on the menu. This must then be entered into a menu analysis template (section 2 of this assessment) that the Assessor will issue to the student. The menu once entered into the menu analysis spreadsheet must fall at 30% food cost percentage or below.

The menu must be presentable to industry standard in a word document and should use current industry trends in menu design.

2. In this part of the assessment, you must do the menu analysis for each menu you have developed.

In doing so, make a list of all ingredients for each menu as some of the ingredients will be in more than one dish (and should be to enhance profitability and avoid wastage). Calculate portion yields and costs from raw ingredients.

The menu analysis sheet comprises of a few different terms as headings for each financial performance indicator. The definitions for each term of each heading are below:

Menu mix %: Determines the popularity of a dish over a certain time period (can also be termed as the 'popularity index'). It is determined by the 'amount sold' divided by the 'total dishes sold' then multiplied by 100.

Amount sold: Total amount of each dish sold for a certain time period.

Food cost %: Food cost percentage of an individual food item which is determined by the 'food cost' divided by the 'sales prices' then multiplied by 100.

Food cost: The cost per serve of each individual food item.

Sales price: The sales price per serve of each individual food item.

Menu cost: The total cost of an individual dish over a certain time period determined by the 'food cost' multiplied by the 'amount sold.

Menu revenue: The total sales of an individual dish over a certain time period determined by the 'sales price' multiplied by the 'amount sold'.

TOTAL food cost percentage: The total food cost percentage for the entire menu of a certain time period. This is determined by the .menu cost' divided by the 'menu revenue' then multiplied by 100. This will vary depending on the popularity of each menu item and will be a key factor in determining the sales prices on your menu to ensure this figure is below 30%.

Task C - You are now required to obtain feedback from at customers in the Acumen kitchen/restaurant using the feedback form provided by your Assessor. Attach the completed forms to this assessment.

Based on the feedback gathered, assess the success of menus against customer satisfaction and sales data at Acumen restaurant and write a brief summary.

Once the data is analysed, assume that the food cost percentage of the restaurant for the month was 34%. Your general manager (your Assessor) has now asked you to adjust the menus to reduce this back to 30% and to enhance the profitability.

List all the ways that you could lower the monthly food cost percentage back to within the budget that the general manager has set for you and discuss these with your General manager (role-played by your Assessor). Also describe how customer feedback can play a role in determining an ongoing profitable menu.

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