
Sithccc018 assessment task - prepare food to meet special

Assessment Task - Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

Part A -

1) Particular foods may be harmful for some people and cause allergic reactions.  List 5  symptoms of an allergic reaction:                               

2) What dietary laws are followed by the following cultures?                        






3) List 4 types of food, other than meat that are a source of protein:        

4) List 4 food items that result in common food allergies:                                              

5) List 4 things you can do to help lower the fat intake in food preparation:

6) List the 5 main food nutrient groups and their food sources:                  

7) If a customer specifies they are coeliac, what does that mean?           

8) List 2 foods that contain gluten

9) Describe 5 cooking procedures to help maximise the nutritional content of food:

10)  List 4 medical conditions that require special diets:

11) When a customer informs you they have an allergic reaction to a particular food item, what would you do?  List 5 examples.

12) What are the health and legal consequences of not following a customer's  dietary  request?

13) List 3 types of vegetarian diets and describe their dietary requirements:

14) List 4 types of food additives and their functions

15) List 4 items listed in the nutritional panel of a packaged food item

16) Compare the two labels for snacks below. Choose the healthiest snack and give two reasons why you chose that snack.


17)  List 5 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines


Research one dietary area from the list below

Present a 1-2 page summary report of your findings.

This can be: Written (printed) or typed in short sentences and the use of sub headings

It must be neat and legible.


  • Title
  • Describe why a person would have this diet
  • Describe the appropriate dietary guidelines,
  • List suitable and non-suitable foods
  • Select from the following the type of diet required and describe how you would modify dishes to meet these dietary needs.

Choose 1 Dietary topic for research from below:

Low Cholesterol



Vegetarian Diets

Lactose Intolerant

High Fibre

Gluten Free

Modified Sodium

High Fibre

Low Protein

Cardio Vascular

Cultural Diets

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Dissertation: Sithccc018 assessment task - prepare food to meet special
Reference No:- TGS02449317

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