
site selectionthe following consideration govern

Site Selection:

The following consideration govern the choice of site for an airport :

(a)        The area served must be able to generate and attract the estimated passenger and cargo traffic. Otherwise, the airport will not be worth investing.

(b)       Meteorological factors like wind velocity, wind direction, presence of turbulence and cross-winds must be considered. The runway orientation is so decided that the crosswind component is minimal.

(c)        The altitude above mean sea level influences runway length. Roughly, the runway length needs to be increased by about 7% for every 300 m altitude above mean sea level.

(d)       The site should have a fairly level area with gentle contours.

(e)        Land should be available.

(f)        Future expansion may be needed, and there should be land for this.

(g)       An elevated site is easy to drain and free from obstructions in the approach zone.

(h)       The area should not be flood-prone.

(i)        A good soil with high bearing capacity which reduce the cost of airfield pavement.

(j)         The approaches should be clear of obstructions like hills, tall buildings, transmission lines, chimneys, etc.

(k)       The site should be easily accessible to the city.

(l)        The site should not be near slaughter houses which attract birds and cause bird hits.

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Mechanical Engineering: site selectionthe following consideration govern
Reference No:- TGS0181602

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