
Sit60116 advanced diploma of travel and tourism management

Travel and Tourism Management Business Plan Assignment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:

  • Write business plan
  • Review organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk management in accordance with current risk management standards
  • Determine scope for risk management process
  • Identify internal and external stakeholders and their issues
  • Review political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context
  • Review strengths and weaknesses of existing arrangements
  • Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope
  • Obtain support for risk management activities
  • Communicate with relevant parties about the risk management process and invite participation
  • Use tools and techniques to generate a list of risks that apply to the scope, in consultation with relevant parties
  • Assess likelihood of risks occurring
  • Assess impact or consequence if risks occur
  • Evaluate and prioritise risks for treatment
  • Determine and select most appropriate options for treating risks
  • Develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment
  • Communicate risk management processes to relevant parties
  • Ensure all documentation is in order and appropriately stored
  • Implement and monitor action plan
  • Evaluate risk management process
  • Review and organise available data, information and knowledge according to proposed structure and content
  • Ensure data, information and knowledge is aggregated, interpreted and summarised to prepare text that satisfies document purposes and objectives
  • Include graphics as appropriate
  • Draft text according to document requirements and genre
  • Choose basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience

Written report on Financials, TQM, Risk Management, and Recordkeeping

Assessment - Managing and Monitoring on Going Success

Tasks - Financial Assessments, TQM, Risk Management and Recordkeeping

Requirements: This report assessment covers 4 topics. Each topic should be covered separately and completely. The report should be based on your individual branch and be specific to that branch location.

Students need to determine the requirements of reports and determine categories and logical sequences of data, information and knowledge to achieve document objectives.

Ensure all documentation is in order BSBRSK501 4.4

The student should use relevant material from the weekly topics as well as other resources such as E-learning articles, ACA Travel Agency Business Plan and internet searches to support your ideas. Students will need to ensure that the following information is detailed and all criteria are covered in their report:

A Business Plan must contain a section on financial needs, allocations and monitoring / assessment.

The bare minimum a Financial Plan should provide information on includes:

Financial Needs Assessment

Funding Sources

Financial Allocations

Financial Projections

Monitoring and on-going assessment

A TQM Plan should include information on:

What standards and KPIs are to be set

By whom

Who is to be informed of each and by what communications methods?

Who is to measure, how and when?

What records are to be made and kept?

What corrective processes are to be utilised?

A Risk Management Plan should include:

A risk Analysis

A risk rating for identified risks

A risk treatment plan

A risk monitoring plan

Recordkeeping should include delegation on:

What records are to be kept?


By whom?

How they are to be stored?

What security processes should be applied?

Task 1 - Financials

For the financial section of assessment each student is required to outline (font 11) approximately 5 pages long covering the processes, financial reports and monitoring which is to be utilised. This report should include:

  • A description of tools and techniques to be used and generate a list of risks that apply in consultation with relevant parties
  • Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope (KPIs)
  • Review and organise available data, information according to proposed structure and content What reports?
  • Choose basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience (Graphs or written report?)
  • Ensure data, information and knowledge is collected, interpreted
  • Include graphics as appropriate
  • Draft text according to document requirements and genre

Task 2 -TQM

For the TQM assessment each student is required to write a report (font 10) of approximately 2 pages outline the TQM measures and the KPIs to be used to manage the quality in the company. The report should contain coverage of/ or inclusion of:

  • A description of what quality controls - policies/procedures the branch is using to manage and control quality in the branch operations
  • The implementation and monitoring plans
  • Evaluation of the risk management process
  • Choice of the basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience
  • A review of the strengths and weaknesses of existing arrangements
  • Documentation of critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope (KPIs)
  • Review and organisation of available data, information and knowledge according to proposed structure and content (evidenced in your written essay answer)
  • Insurance that data, information and knowledge is collected and properly interpreted (evidenced in your written essay answer)
  • Inclusion of graphics as appropriate
  • A draft text according to document requirements
  • Choice of the basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience(evidenced in your written essay answer)

Task 3 - Risk Management

For the Risk Management assessment each student is required to write a report (font 10) of approximately 2-3 pages outline the processes to be used to manage the risk the company may face. The report should contain coverage of/ or inclusion of:

  • Review the organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk management in accordance with current risk management standards
  • Determine the scope for the risk management process (how many areas/ how in-depth)
  • The identification of internal and external stakeholders and their issues in connection with risks
  • A review of political, economic, social, legal, technological as it effects risks
  • A review of strengths and weaknesses of existing arrangements - What risk management controls are in place
  • Documentation on critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope (key risk and solutions)
  • Discussion on how support for risk management activities will be measured
  • Discussion on the communication with relevant parties about the risk management process and invite participation
  • Generation of a list of risks that apply(see template in appendices to case study)
  • An analysis of the likelihood of risks occurring (see template in appendices to case study)
  • An analysis of the impact or consequence if risks occur (see template in appendices to case study
  • Evaluation and prioritising of risks for treatment (see template in appendices to case study
  • Selection of the most appropriate options for treating risks (see template in appendices to case study
  • Development of an action plan for implementing risk treatment
  • Description of how risk management processes will be communicated to relevant parties

Task 4 - Recordkeeping

The report on recordkeeping must be laid out according to the sample templatein the appendix found at the end of the ACA Travel Case Study.

Review and organise available data, information and knowledge according to proposed structure and content

The report should also contain a written dialogue covering:

  • How the company will ensure data, information and knowledge is aggregated, interpreted and summarised to prepare text that satisfies document purposes and objectives
  • Choose basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience
  • Draft text according to document requirements and genre
  • Include graphics as appropriate.

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Business Management: Sit60116 advanced diploma of travel and tourism management
Reference No:- TGS02687169

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