
Sit105 thinking technology and design - demonstrate your

Thinking Technology and Design


There are several goals for the assignment:
- To demonstrate your understanding of some of the concepts behind programming;
- To demonstrate a methodical approach to solving problems; and
- To design and develop algorithms using sequence, selection and iterative constructs and modularisation.

- Carefully read all the questions and provide solutions to all four questions.
- Word process your solution and submit a word file in "Major Assignment" Link.
- Submit your assignment in the assignment submission tool available in Moodle (Week 10). Late submissions will be penalised. Note: The assignment is marked out of 50 marks but is worth 25 marks i.e. 25%
- Your assignment will be assessed on how well your solutions have addressed the problem and met the requirements, and on the overall "correctness" of your solutions. Use of appropriate constructs; appropriate messages/error messages; suitable formatting of output; and use of appropriate modularisation techniques are further assessment criteria.
- NOTE: Your assignment will be submitted in Turnitin. Similarities will be checked by lecturers, if you submit an algorithm similar to your classmate both of you will get 0.

1. Draw a defining diagram (IPO Chart) for the following problem statement.

A program that receives a 7-letter word from a user and displays number of vowels and consonants in that word. Program should display error message if numbers are entered instead of letters.

For example:
Input: quicker


vowels:3 consonants:4

2. Develop an algorithm for the following problem statement. Your solution should be pseudocode with appropriate comments (10 marks).

Using 1 mile = 1.85 kilometres, write an algorithm that will accept a value in miles as the speed measured by the car's speedometer. Convert that measurement to kilometres and alert the driver if he or she is travelling more than 90 km/hr.

3. Develop an algorithm for the following problem statement. Your solution should be a pseudocode with appropriate comments. You should use modularisation in your solution and provide appropriate error messages.

Design a program that receives user height in cm and weight in kg and calculates BMI (body mass index). This program should then print the BMI result and a message based on the following table:

BMI Result                                                      Message

BMI = > 25.0                                          Oops, you are overweight.

18.5 <= BMI < 25                                       Congrats, you are healthy.

BMI < 18.5                                            Oops, you are underweight.

Body Mass Index formula is BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in metres squared.

Weight should be in kilograms (Minimum 1kg, Maximum 160kg), Height should be in centimetre (Minimum 30cm, Maximum 220cm).

Note: for calculating metres squared(m2), centimetre should be converted to metre then powered by 2.

For example:
input: 57 kg 162cm
output: Congrats, you are healthy. Your BMI is 22

4. Develop an algorithm for the following problem statement. Your solution should be a pseudocode with appropriate comments and a hierarchy chart. You should use modularisation in your solution and provide appropriate error messages (20 marks).
Electricity calculation program that reads meter number, current reading, previous reading and charge rate from a file named "Electricity_Bill.xlsx", then calculates and write into another file named "Electricity_Cost.xlsx" Meter number, total usage and total cost for 30 days. Assume that previous reading was 30 days before current reading.

Do not forget to write headings first at the start. Headings should be "Meter Number", "Total Usage" and "Total Cost".

IMPORTANT: Following are just sample values, there might be different values in the real files. DO NOT USE the following values in your algorithm.

Here are 3 sample records from Electricity_Bill.xlsx

Meter Number





Charge rate($)













Base on the above sample values, output in Electricity_Cost.xlsx file would be:

Meter Number

Total Usage

Total Cost










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Programming Languages: Sit105 thinking technology and design - demonstrate your
Reference No:- TGS02783778

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