
Sit105 thinking technology and design - determine the


There are two main goals for the assignment. The first is to demonstrate your understandingof some of the terms used in "Thinking Technology". The second goal is to undertake research with correct referencing.

- Carefully read all the questions
- Provide answers to all four questions in a word processed document. Use the marking criteria for each question as a guide.
- Convert your file to a pdf. Submit your assignment in the assignment submission tool available in Moodle (Week 6). Late submissions will be penalised (see SIT105 Unit Outline for further details re late submission).

Question 1

Choose any two of the following terms. For each of your chosen terms find three sources that provide information about the term and create ONE (single) definition from those sources. Also provide an example, preferably from IT systems development. Each definition with example should be no more than 200 words. (Note: Do not use Wikipedia, blogs or your prescribed text as your source).
- Divide and Conquer
- Hypothesis Testing
- Lateral Thinking
- Reduction
- Research
- Trial and Error

The Harvard style of referencing is to be used.

Question 2

Read the adapted and heavily edited excerpt from the article below and identify all statements, claims and arguments presented.

You should answer this question using a table like the one shown below.Column 1 indicates whether you have identified a statement, claim or argument. [Note: Only identify a statement as a statement if it is not a claim or argument].

Column 2 contains the text of that statement, claim or argument.Use the colour-coding as shown in the table and keep the order of the text in Column 2 the same as the actual text of the article.

Question 3

Draw a full truth table to determine the validity of the following argument and provide reasons why the argument is valid or invalid:

(~ C? (B v A))→ ~C
~B v A
A → (C ? B)
C → B

Question 4

Draw a short truth table to determine the validity of the following argument and clearly explain the steps and provide reasons why the argument is valid or invalid:

(N v ~K) ? ~N
S ? ~K
N→ (N ?~K)

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Dissertation: Sit105 thinking technology and design - determine the
Reference No:- TGS02745271

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