
Sisffit314a plan and deliver exercise to older clients with

Plan and deliver exercise to older clients with managed conditions Assessments



This assessment has been developed to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your skills knowledge and ability to required to be able to plan, deliver monitor and adjust personal training programs for a range of clients including older clients, in both indoor and outdoor settings.

To be deemed competent you will be required to:

  • plans, demonstrates, instructs and adjusts exercises incorporating teaching and learning styles appropriate to needs of different clients
  • uses appropriate techniques to build rapport with and motivate clients with different needs
  • performs effective assessment reviews of a range of exercise plans and makes any required adjustments.

Assessment is used:

- to measure students' preparedness for further study or professional accreditation;

- to provide feedback on student learning for both students and staff;

- to define and protect academic standards;

- to direct students' learning.

Effective assessment for a unit or program of study will typically include a mix of assessment types, selected and designed to meet these multiple and various demands.

An explanation of some terms commonly used in describing assessment;

Formative Assessment - Assessment tasks are described as formative if they provide students with feedback intended to enable improved performance on current or subsequent tasks. Formative assessment typically has the development of students' understanding or skills as an objective.

Summative Assessment - Assessment tasks are described as summative if they are awarded a grade (or score), and if that grade contributes to the overall grade for the unit. Many assessment tasks serve both summative and formative purposes.

Assessment Process:

Assessment decisions will be based on your ability to demonstrate competency against all performance criteria (included in this booklet) and required skills and knowledge as outlined in the competency standard. Competency will be determined after reviewing all of the evidence you have submitted.

Each piece of assessment will be graded S (Satisfactory) or R (Resubmit). When all evidence has been gathered, your assessor will make a final judgment and sign off with C (Competent) or NYC (Not Yet Competent). If you are given an R (Resubmit) or deemed NYC (Not Yet Competent), you will be advised what further action you need to take to achieve competency in this unit.

Assessment Task One (1) Workbook Questions

Q1. What is the Australian Dietary Guidelines specific recommendations for healthy eating for older clients?

Q2. Discuss how the aging process effect the following

  • Musculoskeletal
  • Respiratory function
  • Cardiovascula

Q3. What are the three (3) different types physiotherapy?

Q4. What is Remedial Therapy / Massage?

Q5. What is the role of a General practitioner (GP)?

Q6. Select three (3) principles of exercise program design you feel will be of primary importance when planning exercise programs for client with managed medical conditions? And why Individuality:





The next questions will require access to the following.


Q7. According to the Scope of Practice for Registered Exercise Professionals what are your limitations when providing healthy eating information?

Q8. According to the Scope of Practice for Registered Exercise Professionals what is included in the Professional Scope and Boundaries to conduct a safe and appropriate exercise for all clients?

Q9. Which one of the seven principles of biomechanics will be the most applicable to prescribing exercises to older persons and why?

Q10. Create a research report on the general characteristics of the main older clients, social and cultural groups in your society. Your report must include the keys aspects that relate to their cultural and religious protocols and preferences for exercise.

Assessment Task Two Assessment Details - Case Study

Design a resistance training exercise program for approval by the treating medical practitioner for a group of five older adults whose medical conditions have been cleared to allow for participation in the exercise program. The clients are able to train for a maximum of 45 minutes three days a week. The clients are as follows:

a) Client 1: an 80-year-old male, with no exercise experience, who has type 2 diabetes and asthma

b) Client 2: a 65-year-old female who used to be an elite hockey player and who now has osteoporosis and possible depression.

c) Client 3: a 69-year-old male who had a right knee replacement 12 months ago

d) Client 4: a 71-year-old female who is frail and incontinent, and has limited exercise experience and has high blood pressure

e) Client 5: a 74-year-old current World Masters Cycling Champion who has just been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

Assessment Task Three (3) Assessment Details - Role play

Perform a fitness assessment and then plan and conduct a training sessions with two different clients aged over 65. Document the training programs used and the results obtained from the training sessions. Justify the training programs that you have developed, based on the clients' medical and fitness screening results. In your plans, include an outline of the motivational strategies you used with these clients. Outline the strategies you would use to ensure that your instructions were understood by an older client from a non-English speaking background who has linguistic difficulties in comprehending your instructions.

  • Develop a fitness testing protocol for potential older adult clients. In this protocol list in order the tests that you would conduct when assessing an older adult.
  • Outline the major points you would discuss with a client in regard to the benefits of participating in a structured exercise training program. In this outline, you must provide information on the physiological, social, health and psychological benefits that can be achieved during the training program.

Please list your choice of exercise and, if necessary, modifications to the exercise

  • the order of the exercises
  • the exercise volume and intensity
  • what equipment you require

Complete a report evaluating your sessions based on the client's feedback and your personal reflection.

  • Evaluate the exercise session according to client and or caregiver feedback and personal reflection.
  • Provide feedback to the client group on their progress and any changes recommended.
  • Identify modifications to the exercise plan where relevant to meet needs identified through evaluation.

Assessment Four Details Nutrition Report

You are required to write a report on "Why is nutrition important for older adults" In this report you must cover

  • What are the recommended healthy eating guidelines for older clients
  • What are your the limitations of a fitness instructor in providing healthy eating information
  • Your report must provides accurate and current healthy eating information in accordance with recommended guidelines

The following links will help

  • https://www.nutritionaustralia.org/
  • https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/publications/attachments/n33.pdf

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Dissertation: Sisffit314a plan and deliver exercise to older clients with
Reference No:- TGS02223510

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