
sir i am the student of msc economcis frin

Sir i am the student of MSC Economcis frin Dustabce University (AIOU)from Islamabad (Pakistan)my name is Mohammed Bilal Farooq and required the answer of the following questions
1. How the equilibrium ouptu and price is determined in Williamson Model of Managerial discretion?.
Q 2. What is the role of top management, administration and labour junions in the goalformaton of firms?.
Q 3.What is the opportunity cost of leisure?. How the change in wages rates affects the decision to work?.
Q4. Show the amounto f quasi-rent when the supply of an input is
a. Variable b) Fixed

Q 5. Derive monopoly demand for an input when several inputs are used in the production process.
Q6 Differentiate between contract curve for exchange and utlity possiblility curve. When initial endowment of both commodities increases, how would the utility possiblility curve change?.
Q 7 What dowes the marginal rate of transformation of X for Y (MRTxy) indicate?. How is it measured graphically?.
Q 8 Does perfect comptition inply pareto optimality. Is it the only way to achieve pareto optimality.
Q 9. Writhe notes on the following

a) Theory of Second Best b). Price Control

Waiting for yours kind and early responce

With Best Regards

Mohammed Bilal Farooq
Student of MSc Economics
Islamabad Pakistan
[email protected]

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Microeconomics: sir i am the student of msc economcis frin
Reference No:- TGS0156824

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