
Sinusoidal meanders in the jet stream have radii of

Sinusoidal meanders in the Jet Stream have radii of curvature of 1000 km. As the fluid parcel enters the anticyclone meander, it experiences a north south height difference of 100 meters over a horizontal length of 500 km centered at 45 degree N. Similarly, at 25 degree N, the parcel experiences a cyclonic meander with the same height difference in 500 km. Calculate the wind speed in the cyclonic meander, the anticyclone meander, and the geographic straightaway between. Show quantitatively where the winds are subgeos trophic and supergeos trophic. (You'll need to solve the quadratic equation plus minus, where c is the wind speed, f is the Contois parameter, r is the radius of curvature, g is gravity, h is height, and n is the distance normal to the height contours.)

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Science: Sinusoidal meanders in the jet stream have radii of
Reference No:- TGS02652233

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