
singles phase half wave controlled

Singles Phase  Half wave Controlled Rectifier  with RL Load

When gate pulses are applied to the thyristor  at output voltage  v0 follows the input voltage  vs( = Vm sin ) since the load is RL  and due  to presence of inductance the output current of load current i0 will not  be in  phase with v0. Inductance opposes the instantaneous change in current and due to this property the load current  cannot be  increased or decreased in scantly  with voltage. This  fact is easily understood by the concept that inductance first stores the energy and after some time it releases the stored energy. Therefore at when output  voltage is reversed thyristor is kept conductivity because at this time load current  flows continuously. After  stored energy is dissipated in the load  current  becomes  zero.  The reception will  start at when again  gating pulse is applied to the thyristor.


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Electrical Engineering: singles phase half wave controlled
Reference No:- TGS0221759

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