A) Forms of political participation
1) What are ways people can participate?
2) Who does participate?
3) Who does not participate?
4) What are barriers to political participation?
5) What were barriers in the past?
6) What are some current barriers?
7) What is being done to overcome barriers?
8) What ideas would you have to overcome barriers?
B) Participation
9) What is participation bias?
10) What are the effects of this?
C) Elections and Representation
11) Single member district versus multimember district
12) What are the differences between SMD and MMD? How do both impact the representation in elected offices?
13) What are majority-minority districts? What impact do they have on representation?
D) Direct Democracy
14) What does this mean?
15) How are initiatives/referendums are method of direct democracy?
16) What role do initiatives/referendums have in holding elected officials accountable?
E) Initiatives
17) What is the single subject rule?
18) What is the typical process to qualify for the ballot? How are signatures gathered?
19) What role does money play in the initiative process?
20) Does money matter when it comes to direct democracy?
F) Electoral Politics
21) What are wedge issues?
22) Why would a group or person seek to place a wedge issue on the ballot during a major election?
23) What impact does direct democracy have on public policy? Does the public always end up with "good" public policy? Why or why not?
G) Primaries and Caucuses
24) What are the differences between an open primary and a closed primary?
25) What is a top-two blanket primary?
26) Which primary model do you think works best? Why?
H) Political Parties
27) What is Partisan Identification? What is Political Ideology? How are these at times different?
28) What is the Responsible Party Model? What is the Functional Party Model? How are these different? Why is a party more functional than responsible according to these models?
I) Interest Groups
29) What is a basic definition of interest group?
30) What is the free rider problem? What are selective benefits?
31) Understand the main functions of an interest group - lobbying, issue advocacy, electioneering, and litigation.