
sing testthe sign test is the simplest of


The sign test  is the simplest  of the  parametric  tests. Its name comes  from the  fact  that it is based  on the direction ( or sings  for  pluses or minuses ) of  a part of observation and  not on  their numerical  magnitude.

In any problem  in which sign  test is used we count:

Number of + sings

Number of  - sings

Number of 0 s  ( i, e, which  cannot be included either as positive or negative)

We take  H0  p= 0.5( Null hypothesis)

If the difference is due  to chance effects the   probability of a +sing for any particular pair is 1/2as is the probability of a  -sing. If s  is the number of times  the less  frequent sign  occurs then S has  the  binomial distribution with p= ½.

The  critical value for a two  sided alternative at α= 0.05 can be  conveniently found  by the  expression.

K = (n -1)/ 2 -( 0.98)√n

Ho is rejected if S ≤ K for  the sign  tests.

The sign  test can be  of two  types:

a.The one  sample  sign test

b.  The paired sample sign test


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Operation Research: sing testthe sign test is the simplest of
Reference No:- TGS0207137

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