
Since the topic for my final essay is the effects of stress

Essay: Writing to Show Cause and Effect


Since the topic for my final essay is "The Effects of Stress in Health," I would use my introduction paragraph to introduce my topic by using a strong argument that is mostly significant to my argument to grab the reader's attention. The first sentence of this paragraph will include the definition of "stress" to prepare the reader for the statement that he is about to read followed by the explanation of how common stress is for people.  Lastly, I would also use the introductory paragraph to introduce my thesis statement that would introduce the argument of my thesis which is "Stress Affects an Individual's Health" along with three supporting details that describe how stress affects an individual's mental state, his immune system, and his physical state. The last sentence in this paragraph I will use a transitional hook to tie into the next paragraph.

Paragraph I:

Paragraph one will contain my first supporting detail to help support my thesis statement. This paragraph will describe the mental effects that individuals suffer when exposed to stress. My first supporting detail will be introduced in the first sentence of this paragraph followed by the three supporting details that will help me prove to the reader that stress causes mental health issues such as:

  • Stress Causes Depression
  • Stress Causes Insomnia
  • Stress Causes Anxiety

The last sentence in this paragraph I will use a transitional hook to tie into the next paragraph.

Paragraph II:

Paragraph two will contain my second supporting detail to help support my thesis statement. This paragraph will describe how stress affects an individual's immune system. My second supporting detail will be introduced in the first sentence of this paragraph followed by the three supporting details that will help me prove to the reader what effects stress has on the individuals' immune system such as:

  • Stress Lowers the Defenses
  • Stress Causes Chronic Fatigue
  • Stress Causes Autoimmune Diseases

The last sentence in this paragraph I will use a transitional hook to tie into the next paragraph.

Paragraph III:

Paragraph three will contain my third supporting detail to help support my thesis statement. This paragraph will describe how stress affects an individual physically. My third supporting detail will be introduced in the first sentence of this paragraph followed by the three supporting details that will help me prove to the reader what the physical effects are on the body when an individual is exposed to stress for a long period such as:

  • Stress Causes Cancer
  • Stress Causes High Blood Pressure
  • Stress Causes Premature Aging

The last sentence in this paragraph I will use a transitional hook to tie into the next paragraph.


The concluding paragraph of my essay will quickly explain my main idea and my thesis statement while restating to the reader my three details that were used to prove my thesis. Lastly, I would use the concluding paragraph to provide the reader different ways to manage their stress by changing their lifestyle.


  • You will write your essay in the third person.
  • Use the APUS Online Library article databases, no open web sources.
  • You need a minimum of three sources for your essay.
  • Integrate the sources using MLA format.
  • All essays should be 1000 words, in MLA format.

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Dissertation: Since the topic for my final essay is the effects of stress
Reference No:- TGS02167447

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