
Since the publication of edward saids orientalism 1978 his

Your Draft should be no more than one-page, type-written, in double space. It should include your thesis statement which will become your essay's first paragraph .

Since the publication of Edward Said's Orientalism (1978), his critique of Orientalist knowledge and representations has gradually but deeply affected the way many scholars approach their research subjects in East Asian Studies.

Clarify several features that Orientalism as defined by Said shares with Hegel's historicism and the "stagist theory of history" (Chakrabarty) and discuss the ways in which such scholars as Dorinne Kondo and Teemu Ruscola have variously grappled with the possibility and/or impossibility of countering, resisting, or doing away with, the Orientalist and historicist mode of thought.

Take these two scholars mentioned above and examine their argument in depth. In your view, do the two scholars offer effective way of getting out of the Orientalist and historicist discourse or do they reinforce the structure of thought they set out to question? Effectively quote key phrases and sentences from the texts to make your argument convincing and well-substantiated.

? Papers must be type-written, double-spaced, appearing in 12 points Times New Roman font or its equivalent with 1" margins. Do not exceed the page/word limit.

? Essays that do not respond to the given topic or do not follow the specific instructions described above will receive no marks. No resubmission allowed. The assignment does not ask you to conduct additional research.

? You need to present your argument logically and clearly, fully demonstrate the precise understanding of the texts you discuss and substantiate your thesis and argument convincingly and with details from the assigned readings.

? Observe the Chicago Manual of Style referencing practice and properly cite the passages you quote (i.e. author, title, page number, etc.). Works cited or references should not be counted toward the word limit.

? You may share notes and discuss your ideas with others for preparation. But the paper you submit must be exclusively written by you alone and in your own words clearly distinguishable from others'. Papers that plagiarize, replicate others, or contain identical or near-identical passages that appear in other papers will not be accepted or credited.

? You must proof-read before submission. Sentences that are incomplete or unintelligible will not be read or credited.

length: one page

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History: Since the publication of edward saids orientalism 1978 his
Reference No:- TGS02940770

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