Simulation of a transmission system with a 4-fsk modulation scheme; using non-coherent detection method and an awgn channel.
System description:
1. Input:
A. Random binary signal with 0's and 1's.
B. converting binary input to a 4-symbol (00,10,01 and 11) input
2. Modulation:
A. Modulating the input symbols with 4 different modulating-frequencies
B. Mixing the modulated signal with the carrier wave that has a carrier frequency of fc (fc=150, 500 kHz)
C. passing the signal through a bandpass filter (raised cosine) (transmission filter) with bandwidth equal to the four symbols bands together.
3. Channel:
A. passing the signal through an AWGN channel with SNR range (0-13 dB) in 1-dB step
4. Detecting
A. Using a non-coherent detector to detect the received signal which consists of: 4-bandpass filters (raised cosine and no ISI effect) compatible with each frequency of each different symbol and 4 envelope detectors.
B. Comparing the 4-different results and find the maximum value that represents the sent symbol.
5. Error Calculations and simulations:
A. BER calculations for all iterations
B. SER calculations for all iterations
C. Probability of error for all iterations
Hint. The sampling frequency and the data rate can be chosen freely. Around 9600 bps will be fine