
Simulated annealing algorithms for circuit partitioning

1) Write down various stages involved in physical design cycle.

2) Compare different design styles based on performance and area

3) Write down difference between Depth-First search and Breadth-First search methods.

4) With suitable example, describe shortest path algorithms are used in physical design

5) Provide the classification of partitioning algorithms.

6) Describe Simulated Annealing algorithms for optimization of circuit partitioning.

7) Give the classification of Floor planning algorithm.

8) Describe Pin assignment problems in different design styles.

9) Describe problems associated during placement in physical design process.

10) Describe any one of the partition based placement algorithm.

11) Describe the various phases in global routing.

12) Describe problems associated during routing in gate array design process.

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Electrical Engineering: Simulated annealing algorithms for circuit partitioning
Reference No:- TGS010671

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