
Simulate the restaurant the data must be present in a way

ProModel simulation


In order to simulate the restaurant, the data must be present in a way that can be simulated. Customers arrive in groups that vary in size from one to four. Currently there are 15 tables for four and 10 tables for two in the dining area. Two tables for two can be replaced with one table for four. There is one queue that customers wait for a waiter to take them to the table. One or two customers are directed to tables for two. Three and four customers are directed to tables for four. When one person is sitting in a table for two and three persons are sitting in a table for four the sit that remains is wasted.

There are two cooks in the kitchen and two waiters in the dining area. Each cook has different job, the one is for making salads and the other is preparing the fish or meat. The cooks are paid 80/day euro and the waiters 50/day. The cost of the menu is 15 euro for fish 10 euro for meat and 5 euro for salad. The percentage of what customers eat most is tabulated in (Table 1). The overheat cost of the restaurant (rent, insurance, utilities and so on) is 35,000 euro for 5 months that is working and 10,000 for the months that is closed. The bill for each customer varies uniformly from 5 to 15.

The restaurant remains open from 4 P.M. till 12 A.M. The customer's arrival pattern is as follows. The total number of customers groups visiting the restaurant each day varies uniformly between 110 and 130. The customer arrival pattern is shown in (Table 2).

Restaurant Processes

If a table is available and customers arrive the waiter if its free seats the customers to the right size table, writes down the order and delivers the order to the kitchen. Cooks prepare the food in the kitchen and bring it out place it on a table waiting for available waiter to take it. Any available waiter takes the food to the customer. Customers eat and then a waiter collect the payment and clean the table then customers leave the restaurant. The activity times are tabulated and shown in (Table 3).

12. Tables









(Table 2 Customer Arrival Pattern)




4 P.M.

5 P.M.


5 P.M.

6 P.M.


6 P.M.

11 P.M.


11 P.M.

12 A.M.


(Table 3 Activity Times)


Activity Procedure

Activity Time Distributions


Waiter seats the customers

N(2, 0.5) min


Waiter writes the order.

N(4, 1.5) min


Waiter take the order to the cooks.

N(2, 0.5) min


Cooks prepare fish or meet.

N(12, 10) min


Cooks prepare salad.

N(5, 4) min


Cook brings the food out.

N(1, 0.5) min


Waiter take food to the customers.

N(4, 1) min


Customers eat.

N(40, 30) min


Waiter collects payment and clean the table.

N(5, 1) min

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Dissertation: Simulate the restaurant the data must be present in a way
Reference No:- TGS02227192

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