Given the circuit shown below, you are to do the following:
1. Simulate the circuit In ORCAD and obtain the frequency response (in dBV) of the output from 10 Hz to 10 MHz
2. Simulate the circuit in ORCAD in the time domain with a pulse train Input. The pulse shall be 0.5 volts in amplitude and it shall start at 10 milliseconds with a duration (on time) of 20 milliseconds. The rising edge of the pulse shall take 0.1 milliseconds to go from 0 volts to 0.5 volts. The falling edge of the pulse shall take 1 microsecond to go from 0.5 volts to 0 volts. The pulse train shall have a period of 60 milliseconds.
3. In order to receive credit, you must turn in your circuit schematic printed from ORCAD for both the frequency and time domain simulations. Additionally, you must include your simulation plots demonstrating the input and output signals for the simulations outlined above.
4. Write a MATLAB script to simulate the frequency response for the circuit shown below. Include your code as well as plots of the circuit amplitude frequency response in dB as well as the phase response.