1. DC Power Supply
2. Multimeter
1. 2N3904 NPN Transistor
2. 22 kΩ Resistor
3. 47 kΩ Resistor
4. 470 Ω Resistor
5. 1.0 kΩ Resistor

Figure 4-1
1. Measure (and record) the resistances of each of your resistors using the multimeter.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 4-1. You will need to look up the datasheet of the 2N3904 to know how to connect each transistor terminal. Measure the voltage drops across each of the resistors, each terminal voltage (VC, VE, VB) and VBE, VCE, VCB
3. Measure the base and collector currents. (Remember: Current is measured through the multimeter, so it is necessary to place the meter terminals in series in the circuit. If you are unsure of how to do this ask your lab instructor.)
4. Determine the emitter current.
5. Determine the DC current gain of this circuit.
1. Lab Cover Sheet (filled in appropriately)
2. Title Page (Appropriate information is described in the ‘Format of a Technical Report' found on Blackboard)
3. OBJECTIVE - This section is in paragraph form comprised of complete sentences stating the purposes for doing the experiment. (What theory was this experiment supposed to verify?)
4. DATA section including:
a. Circuit
b. Calculations - This will include a theoretical analysis (use thevenized analysis) of each of the currents and voltages measured in lab. Use β = 150, VBE = 0.7V. These must be typed.
c. Table 4-1 includes nominal and measured resistance quantities.
d. Table 4-2 includes theoretical (calculated) and measured voltage quantities.
e. Table 4-3 includes theoretical (calculated) and measured current quantities.
f. Table 4-4 includes the percent of error for theoretical vs. measured quantities
g. Graph 4-1 of the DC Load Line including a measured and a calculated Q-Point.
h. 2N3904 Datasheet - it is only necessary to include the pages referenced/used in this submittal.
5. DISCUSSION - This section is in paragraph form comprised of complete sentences comparing the theoretical and measured results of the experiments. This section should also answer the following questions:
1) How does the β value given (in 4.b above) compare to the calculated value of β (ICmeasured/IBmeasured) and the datasheet value (It will be necessary to determine the value of β by using the appropriate graph on the datasheet (hfe vs. IC (at T= 25oC) use the theoretical value of IC)?
2) If an ac signal were to be amplified by this circuit, what is the maximum possible symmetrical swing of IC (peak-to-peak)?
Hint: For a successful submittal, make sure your submittal components are presented in the above order. This makes organized and logical sense for an explanation of data. Be sure headings are stated (for example: DATA) and all components of the DATA section (for example: TABLE 4-1) are labeled.
3. Simulate the circuit in Multisim verifying measured values (Make at least one statement comparing simulated values to measured values.)
4. Calculate the theoretical, no-load gain of the circuit.