Experimental tests performed on a TWT amplifier results in the data given in Table.
(a) Implement a simulation model for a TWT amplifier specified by the AMto-AM and AM-to-PM data given in Table.
(b) Simulate this model with a 64 QAM input for back offs of -10 and -20 dB and compare the distortion in the signal constellations.
(c) Repeat the simulations for the two-tone input described in Problem and observe the intermodulation components and their power levels as a function of back off.
Derive the complex lowpass equivalent (CPE) model for the cubic nonlinearity of the form
y(t) = x(t) - 0.25 x3(t)
For a two-tone input of equal amplitudes at f1 = 13 Hz and f2 = 15 Hz, find the first-zone output for the band pass case analytically and compute the power levels of the various output components. Simulate the band pass and the LPE models and compare the simulated power levels with the computed power levels. Do this for at least three different sampling rates and compare the results.