
Simplify the form of the continuity equation by removing



A 1D steady, compressible flow is prescribed by the velocity profile: u = u(x), v = w = 0. The flow is inviscid (negligible viscous forces). Also, you may neglect gravity and other body forces.

1. Simplify the form of the continuity equation by removing zero terms and show that one of the following statements is valid: ∂u/∂x + ∂v/∂y + ∂w/∂z = 0. 
2. Simplify the x, y and z momentum equations by removing zero terms and show that one of the following statements is valid: p+½pu2 = const, p = const or p + pu2 = const.

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The problem related to Mechanical Engineering and it is about a steady compressible flow prescribed by velocity profile. The continuity equation is to be easy with momentum equations.

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Mechanical Engineering: Simplify the form of the continuity equation by removing
Reference No:- TGS01107570

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