Simple probability and sample spaces


A couple has three children, assume the likelihood of a boy is the same as a girl:

List sample space: {BBB,BBG,BGG,GGG}
Event the children are girls: {GGG}
Event the couple has one or more boy: {BBB,BBG,BGG}
Probability all children are girls: 1/4
Probability the couple has at least one boy: 3/4
Probability the couple has exactly one boy: 1/4
Probability that the couple has two childern of the same gender: 4/4
Knowing that they have one boy, the probability that all the childeren are boys:1/3
Knowing two children are the same gender the probability that they are all boys:1/4
Knowing that two childern are the same gender, the probabilty they have at least two grils:2/4
X -> Random variable of boys couple has -
List all pssoible values of x {0,1,2,3}
PMF of X: 1 = .25, 2 =.25, 3=.25
CDF of X: 1 =.25, 2= .50, 3= .75
Expected Value Of X = 1.5
Expected Value Of X^2 = 3.5
Variance X = 2
Standard Deviation Of X = .42

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Basic Statistics: Simple probability and sample spaces
Reference No:- TGS01916768

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