Simple linear regression vs multiple linear

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression

IQ MRI Height in in. Weight in lb.
Y X1 X2 X3
124 81.69 64.5 118
150 103.8 73.3 143
128 96.54 68.8 172
134 95.15 65 147
110 92.88 69 146
131 99.13 64.5 138
98 85.43 66 175
84 90.49 66.3 134
147 95.55 68.8 172
124 83.39 64.5 118
128 108 70 151
124 92.41 69 155
147 85.65 70.5 155
90 87.89 66 146
96 86.54 68 135
120 85.22 68.5 127
102 94.51 73 178
84 80.8 66.3 136
74 93 74 148

y= IQ Score
a= y-intecept
b1= coefficient of brain size
b2= coefficient of height of body in inches
b3= coefficient of weight of body in pounds
x1= brain size
x2= height of body in inches
x3=coefficient of weight of body in pounds

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Basic Statistics: Simple linear regression vs multiple linear
Reference No:- TGS0624309

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